33. The Search For Jack

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RoseWithThorns joined the conversation.

AndrewsTheCreator joined the conversation.

RoseWithThorns: MR. ANDREWS!

AndrewsTheCreator: Please do not yell at me through text Rose. And why are you down here? You should already be on a boat getting out of here!

RoseWithThorns: Look, the guy that I’m actually in love with is being held captive against his own will!

AndrewsTheCreator: Rose, this isn’t the time for something like this. You need to get to a boat! Don’t worry about your lover now!

RoseWithThorns: You don’t understand…he’s my…true…lover.

AndrewsTheCreator: Nah uh! You didn’t!

RoseWithThorns: …I sorta did…

AndrewsTheCreator: Oh you’re a dirty little girl aren’t you! ;)

RoseWithThorns: Look, I need to find him! Do you know where they would keep him?

AndrewsTheCreator: Alright look, you’re gonna go down the elevator to the bottom, go left, go straight, go left, go straight, and then go right…I think.

RoseWithThorns: You “think?”

AndrewsTheCreator: Hold on a second, let me just load up Google Maps….

RoseWithThorns: Okay…that would be a lot easier.

AndrewsTheCreator posted location *image shared from Google Maps*

RoseWithThorns: Oooooh, okay I think I see him. Down there in that bottom room, right?

AndrewsTheCreator: Is that what the map says?

RoseWithThorns: yes…

AndrewsTheCreator: Well then yes, that’s where he is.

RoseWithThorns: You don’t have to be so mean about it….

AndrewsTheCreator: *sigh* I’m sorry. This whole “aaaaah, the ship is sinking!’ crap has my mind all stressed out.

RoseWithThorns: It’s okay…I understand.

AndrewsTheCreator: Alright Rose, you go to him.

RoseWithThorns: I will Mr. Andrews. Thank you.

AndrewsTheCreator left the conversation.

ElevatorLiftGuy joined the conversation.

RoseWithThorns: Alright take me to the bottom sir!

ElevatorLiftGuy: I’m sorry ma’am, but the lifts are closed.

RoseWithThorns: What if I show you my boobs?

ElevatorLiftGuy: I’m sorry, but I really cannot take you down there in a crisis like this.

RoseWithThorns: I’m really REALLY sorry about this….

ElevatorLiftGuy: WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!

RoseWithThorns: TAKE ME DOWN NOW!

ElevatorLiftGuy: Okay ;(

RoseWithThorns: I’m sorry I pushed you…


RoseWithThorns: OH MY GOD IT’S COLD TOO!

ElevatorLiftGuy: AAAAAH!

RoseWithThorns: AAAAAH!

ElevatorLiftGuy: I’M GOING BACK UP!


ElevatorLiftGuy: HAVE IT YOUR WAY!

ElevatorLiftGuy left the conversation.

RoseWithThorns: Alright, let’s load up that pic again and find where Jack is….

RoseWithThorns: Oh no, now the network is getting all screwy!

RoseWithThorns left the conversation.

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