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Diamond and her bestie Mariah had recently came to South Korea for school. Mariah actually went to school here for a year prior to coming here for college. She came here in highschool and has been increasing her Korean since.

Diamond on the other hand was just an average kpop/kdrama stan. She knew some but not a lot of Korean. Mariah has taught her a lot and being in korean class for 3 years before going to Korea has helped improve her Korean immaculately.

The two have already been at the university for a good year. They made a small group of friends to hangout with at lunch and to occasionally go out with. They really liked it there.

Diamond finds the attention she constantly gets really tough. (She gets attention for being colored in SK, if you don't know about it I recommend looking it up)

She's learned to treat it as an honor instead of overthinking it and thinking negative about it. Mariah also gets the attention but she thinks nothing of it and goes on with life simply.

Currently the two were chilling in their apartment as it was Sunday. They normally spend Sunday's school free since it seems like they've always studying.

Diamond was laying on her bed just on her phone. She scrolls though Tiktok bored out her mind.

"Brooo this is so you" she said laughing.
She then sent the video to Mariah though the DM's on tiktok.

Mariah heard her phone ding and sighed "min I'm right here, did you really have to send it to me?" She asked her.

"Yeah, I'm too lazy to get up and I know you won't come over" she said moving her phone from her face looking over at her across the room.

"Fair enough" Mariah shrugged and checked what the video was.

Mariah laughed some but then got a call.
"Oh? Why is he calling?" She said.

What Mariah said caught Diamonds attention.
"Who?" She said lightly before Mariah took the call.

"Hello?" She said.

"Want me to put you on speaker phone?" She asked the person before she put the phone on speaker.

Diamond sat up on her bed facing Mariah confused on who that could be.

"First off" a males voice said thought the phone.

"Min, please stop spamming me with tiktok videos" the boy said.

Diamond gasped "excuse you Yeonjun, I only sent you ten" she said in her defense it's way less than she sends Mariah.

Yeonjun sighed "Whatever, it's still spamming me if it's one after the other" he said. Diamond rolled her eyes.

"Why did you call?" Mariah asked him.
"Oh, right. Gyu and I were wondering if you guys wanted to hangout for-" he was cut off by Diamond.

"HELL YES I DO!" She yelled. She got up and stood in front of Mariah excited.
"my... EARS" yeonjun yelled back.

Diamond laughed some "sorry not sorry" she said.
Mariah looked at her "no I agree, why did you yell?" She asked her.

Not so perfectWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt