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Two days later it was now Wednesday. School was the same as always. Diamond still hasn't received her binder back but that's not surprising.

Diamond thankfully was able to ask for some help from her friends for some things. She only fell behind a little. Today she felt like something was off. Like how you wake up and can feel like something was going to happen. That's exactly how Diamond felt.

Throughout the day Diamond was out of it. She was more precautious than normal. Mariah and the guys didn't even have to ask they already knew. Diamond is someone who's emotions are easily readable.

When it finally got to lunch the four sat inside the cafeteria after getting their food of choice. Nobody felt like walking anywhere so they ate what was given inside the cafeteria. They were all talking having a good conversation when out of nowhere you can hear a bunch of laughter throughout the cafeteria.

Curious the four looked around and saw where everyone was looking. Someone had been tripped by a gang member. The eight had walked away after doing so. The poor guy slowly got up nobody helping him. It was weird as he didn't even seem like a nerd or anything.

He seemed like a quite well known person.
"I wonder why they did that..."
"It's not like he's a nerd" Diamond mumbled to herself but the four heard her.
"He's kinda popular, I wonder why also" Beomgyu said.

"Maybe he did something to the gang" Mariah responded.
"Probably, they don't really attack people for no reason" Yeonjun said.
What he said confused Diamond completely.
"Then why did San take my binder??" She said still annoyed about it.

"That I don't know.." Yeonjun said honestly and gave a little huff.
"Well she did talk back to Mingi.." Mariah mentioned.
"True, that could be a reason" Beomgyu said.
"Ugh whatever" Diamond said.
The four raided an eyebrow.
"You PMS-ing?" Beomgyu asked her.
Diamond gave Beomgyu a side eye of death.
"None of your business" she told him.
Beomgyu nodded some and turned his head back to focus on his food.

"She is" he said lightly.
"Beomgyu seriously, please for once. Be nice" Diamond said actually not wanting to deal with his shit today.
"Gyu if she is, she won't hesitate to strangle you. We all know this" Mariah told him.
"I know, but she doesn't have the guts to" Beomgyu replied.
"Dont fucking test me Gyu" Diamond said looking at him.
"Okay, okay" Beomgyu gave up.

"Okay moving on.." Yeonjun said.
Not long after they said that one of Mariah's friends ran up to the table frantically. Scaring just about all of them.
"Oh my god guys!" The person said.
"Keeho?" Mariah said shocked.
"What's going on?" Mariah asked him.
Keeho looked very shocked and worried.
"You guys live in the cheap apartment complex right?" He asked them.

Mariah nodded and Diamond looked up from her food and over at Keeho.
"Well the owners got caught" he explained
"What do you mean got caught..?" Mariah asked really confused.
"They were illegal apartments" he told her.
That just overall shook the girls and Yeonjun. Beomgyu couldn't understand as they weren't speaking in Korean.
"Oh my god, so what's going to happen??" Mariah asked worried.

"You guys will either have to pay the original price of the apartment and resign your lease or move out" he told them.
"Do you know how much it originally was?" Yeonjun asked.
Keeho nodded "a thousand nine hundred a month"
"What!?" Both the girls said shocked.
Keeho nodded
"That's nine hundred more than what we were paying a month.." Mariah said in shock.
"We definitely can't pay that.." Diamond said and sighed getting stressed about it.

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