Prison sentence for rapists

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Let's piss the rapists off!!

If you violate a person's sexual safety, you deserve life in prison and/or the death penalty. Let me put it to you this way. You make someone feel unsafe in their own skin, possibly impregnate them and you think that you deserve the average of 4 to 8 years in prison for rape? Maybe 13 to 19 years in prison for something that will have affected them for their entire life, make them question their worth. Most of the time, a rapist is someone the victim knows, perhaps a father, brother, sister, mother. Sometimes, it happens for YEARS without repercussions. Do you really think it is fair to give a rapist so little time in prison that will affect their victims for life? I don't think so.

One in four men have tried to and/or succeeded in raping a victim, whether man or woman. About 43% of men have reported some form of sexual assault happening to them. About 81% of women admit to having some form of sexual harassment happening to them in some form. Sexual assault, as you can tell, is a very serious issue in the Unites States, and around the world. One out of three female victims experience rape between the ages of 11 to 17. An estimated 735,000 people in the United States have been raped. One in four male victims experience their rape between the ages of 11 and 17. As you can tell, it is not only women who experience rape. Of these rape experiences, more than half (51.1%) is done by a significant other while 40.8% happens by an acquaintance.

Of all these statistics, about 2 to 10% are false reports. This DOES NOT mean that you should assume a reporter of sexual assault is lying. It is very possible that they are telling the truth about being sexually assaulted. It may not be the case that they are lying but to know if they are is if they overplay it. "It kind of scared me." is an underplay while "I was really really scared" is a potential overplay of it. Not necessarily. If the person in question is someone known to lie, you may question it but DO NOT automatically assume someone is lying.

Listen to a person's story about what happened. Sympathize with them. Be understandable to them. But Do not make it seem like it is the victim's fault. "Oh but you were dressing like a slut." NO! You just have the mindset of a rapist. That is the problem, not the way someone dresses. Whether someone wears revealing clothes or if they wear blue jeans and a hoodie, it is possible for anyone to get raped.

About 310 out of every 1000 people who experience rape to not report it, which is only an estimated number because it cannot be approximated. That's about 31%. This percentage will not get closure of their rapist going away to prison because they are terrified of what will happen.

With all the trouble that rapists cause, they deserve either a life sentence in prison or the death penalty. Let's get something straight. Taking someone's virginity away without one's consent is not only against the law but it is something that is far under punished for. Many rapists get free. Because the justice system is so broken, the average time of a single offender is four to eight years, while the average time of a multiple time offender is 13 to 19 years in prison. If you murder someone or multiple people, you go to jail for 25 to life.

In prison, the most respected people are murderers. The least respected are child predators. Even murderers know that harming a child is against their morals. The child predators and child traffickers may be attacked and may die in prison before their sentence is up. Let's be honest. They deserve that, but what they truly deserve is the death sentence.

Do you disagree? I'd love to hear your opinions in my comment session. 

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