Polytheism in the bible

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What thoughts crossed my mind before I started writing this?
"Oh Lord, so many christians will hate me for this." (pun intended)
"Do I have enough evidence to prove what I'm saying is true?"
"I don't really care what people think but what if this is found in the future when I plan on taking a college class or two on christian studies? Will they let me in the class?"
"Am I overthinking the bible?"
"What will my readers think about this article?

Disclaimer: As a christian who believes one God is real and no more, this may upset you. This article will mention the belief of multiple Gods using evidence from the bible.

Today's topic is... Polytheism in the bible. Believe it or not, the bible proves polytheism to be true to some degree. This means that there is a possibility that there is at least some truth to every religion, whether it be judaism, Islam, Sikhism or hinduism. It's a very real possibility they all have some truth to them.

Yahweh executed judgements even against their gods.
(Num. 33.4)

Ascribe to Yahweh, O sons of gods,
ascribe to Yahweh glory and strength.
(Ps. 29:1)

God has taken his place in the divine council;
in the midst of the gods he holds judgment.
(Ps. 82.1)

There is none like you among the gods, O Lord,
nor are there any works like yours.
(Ps. 86:8)

For Yahweh is a great god,
and a great king above all gods.
(Ps. 95.3)

For I know that Yahweh is great;
Our Lord is above all gods.
(Ps. 135.5)

God came from Teman,
the Holy One from Mount Paran....
Before him went Deber,
and Resheph followed close behind.
(Hab. 3.3-5)

One day the sons of God came to present themselves before Yahweh, and Satan also came among them.
(Job 1.6)

Each of these verses come from the Hebrew Bible, which is the original language in which the bible was written. While these verses do not prove EVERY religion to be true, it shows there is truth in some of them. These verses are part of the reason I am part of the belief of religious pluralism (the belief in multiple religions). 

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