Bring Awareness to men part two

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Interviewer: What world does no mean yes?
No means no
Interviewer:  Can a man say no to sex? 
Interviewer: no?
"Not at all"
hell no
fuck no
Shit no
he better not"
"we wanna fuck. we're taking it. We don't care."
Interviewer: No?
Just assume that you're gay or something
Interviewer: wowww
He can but if I want it, then  I'm gonna take it. 
- Https:// 


Now tell me that men are not mistreated.
Tell me that woman are the only ones who face problems in society.  
This interview was asking 30+ woman if a man could say no to sex
Of the ones showed, they all showed that men could not say no to sex. 
Some even said that they would rape the man if they wanted it.

Imagine if we flipped the switch now. 
You would call the man a predator.
A rapist.
A child predator. 

It goes both ways and doesn't matter.  If someone refuses sex, NO MEANS NO! No does not mean yes in any case. No means no. OR only an enthusiastic yes means yes. 
I know not all women will say this
But many will.

If you want to look at double standards, look at this interview.
It's ridiculous!
This just shows the image men have in society.

I apologize to every man who has ever went through this. 
I apologize to the men who have been sexually assaulted or raped by anyone, man or woman. 
I apologize to the men who have been forced into situations. 
I am very sorry to all of you.
You deserve so much better than what you got. 

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