lonely people

201 5 0

trigger warning - suicide.

y/n y/m/n y/l/n was always an odd person, she kept to herself almost all the time, asides when she'd make the rare comments, they're sound like a poem almost. and they always could have multiple meanings.

she'd often speak on the oddness of the world, she'd use long sophisticated words, to describe very mature subjects such as ; the meaning in life, the point in life, and many other unanswerable questions.

most people in hogwarts would take the person out from their memories, only ever really remembering on the rare occurrences where she'd make a comment.

but most people were minus hermione jean granger.

one who could figure out any questions, and knew all the answers.

but she could not figure out y/n.

she was fascinated by her.

some would mark y/n as 'weird'. a 'weird kid'.

but not hermione.

hermione did not see her as a background character.

she saw her as an unsolved puzzle.

she just needed to find all the missing pieces.

and then she'd have a finished puzzle.

the finished puzzle equivalent to an answer.

hermione would always take notes during class.

and take notes on y/n.

not in a stalking like way but just a mental notes.

the only things she was certain on so far was.

1. she'd always have a necklace with a silver chain and and a black star locket pendant. and whenever she'd look like she was in any type of confusing situation, she'd open it and wear a soft smile for a split second.

2. as much as on paper she has the traits of a ravenclaw, her uniform says otherwise. she was a hufflepuff. making hermione think at one point, if she was to socialise, she'd be loyal.

3. she was depressed. she had all the symptoms of depression. and hermione knew without even knowing her, by the obvious headaches she had, the dark circles under her eyes, the fact she had difficulty concentrating. she was most likely depressed.

but hermione jean granger was taken out her thoughts when there was a piece of paper slid under her door that wrote.

hello hermione,

i hope your feeling okay.
i see your intrigued by me.
i don't know why.
i am no different to anyone except,
i just like to be alone but,
i guess that's not a very good thing as
i have ended up in my position.
i do hope you know,
i am going to a better place.

i love you.

hermione felt a shock go through her body.

she sped to the only place she felt she could be.

hermione couldn't go of books this time.

she had to go of instincts

for the first time ever a book didn't have the answer.

once she made it to the astronomy tower she looked at the girl standing on the railing.

"please... y/n don't do it!"
hermione pleaded

but instead of a response she got.

"ah look at all those lonely people"

before jumping.

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