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it was 6pm christmas eve at the weasley household.

the sun had set already and the fire was burning.

everyone was in their handmade initial jumper knitted by molly.

you and hermione were on the couch, you laying your head on her shoulder as you both talked to everyone answering and asking questions.

your hands softly played with hermiones dirty blonde curls.

molly then excitedly called out that her fruit cake was ready as the warm sent filled the house.

you and hermione both quickly got up and headed towards the kitchen.

you both pored yourself a cup of eggnog, and continued to chat while eating.

your arms still touching, while your  body filled with happiness and cheer, obviously the feeling over took your other senses as you didn't seem to notice two red headed boys walk up behind you and place a certain plant above your heads until you heard the weasley speak.

''look up love birds''

you and hermione both confused lifted your head to see a branch of mistletoe, and 2 smirking twins.

you giggled and rolled your eyes at the boys immature actions.

but before you knew it the whole kitchen was staring at the two of you.

"you're not gonna' break the tradition are ya'?"
ginny asked.

"well of course not"
your girlfriend responded in her soft and soothing voice before pulling you into a very light and loving kiss as multiple cheers were heard.

hermione tasted of cinnamon and sweet apples as you felt your heart explode in pure bliss.

you both pulled away with large grins.

'god i love this girl'
you thought.

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