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  Updated; July 24, 2023                                   


                                                           ~ levi's pov ~

Oliver and I were now seated on the floor, horizontal from each other. Oliver had a pad and pen right next to him. He was holding his guitar and I was holding my ukulele. I had copied down the lyrics into my notebook so I wouldn't forget them. I did it in pencil so if we wanted to change anything we always could.

"Alright, are you ready?" Oliver says, re-reading the lyrics to make sure he has it drilled into his head. 

"Yeah, I'm ready whenever you are," I say, looking back at him. 

"3, 4, 5," he started strumming. The music was perfect. I started singing, him singing after me..

 (imagine a song that you know in your head)


                                                        ~ an hour later ~

That, was exhausting. I forgot how much work it takes to actually be able to write a pretty decent song. Not including the fact that with 2 people, you both have different ideas, which makes it way more hard. 

Oliver Smith was way more fun to work with then I thought. He was different from all the other people I've collaborated with. He actually seemed to be.. enjoy himself? That's new, most people get bored of me.

He actually seemed like a really nice person himself. Maybe ill be able to be friends with him and actually be able to hang out more often. I don't know if that's pushing it though..

"LEVIII," Oliver burst into the basement. "Uhm, so, I kinda have a question-" 

"Okay- go ahead. What's the question?" I say, while I organize the place Oliver and I had sat earlier that afternoon. It was 3:50.. 

"So, um, what would you do if I said i broke into your pantry and ate your chips...?" He looks like he's going to dash for the door any second. 

I couldn't prosses the thought. What did he just say? I really hope this is a joke- I grabbed my old shoe from off the floor. Stuff lied around everywhere in my basement. 

"I'LL SHOW YOU WHAT I'LL DO, YOU HAVE FIVE SECONDS TO RUN," I aimed my show towards him. He dashed up the stairs faster than a cheetah could catch it's prey. I chased him upstairs and threw my shoe. It ended up hitting his head. Headshot! 

"I WAS KIDDING-" Oliver says as he gets back up holding my shoe. "You can have your shoe back now," he says as he throws my shoe across the floor. It hits my wall. I glared at him, and he stared right back. Well, this is awkward. I started laughing, and so did he. 

We ended up eating my snacks anyways. Oliver hadn't eaten his lunch before coming to my house, so i offered him my old spaghetti. He gladly accepted. 

"Can we watch a movie? I'm too lazy to go drive home," Oliver said, as he finished his last bits of spaghetti.

"You literally live like 5 minutes away from me-" I grabbed the remote anyway and opened Netflix. It takes more effort trying to get someone out of your house then watching a movie. Plus, I haven't watched a movie in a while so that could change. I just didn't have time.

"Well, it's not my fault I'm lazy. I was just born lazy," Oliver called from the kitchen. He grabbed his chips and sat down on the couch. 

"Yeah, right. You literally have more energy then me all week. What do you want to watch?" I said as i scrolled through the movies I liked to watch.

"Can we watch Jurassic World?" Oliver said as he opened his bag of family size chips.
"I mean, sure I guess," I click Jurassic World and turn the volume up. 

                                   ~-~-~ ~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~

                                                        ~ an few hours later ~

"Okay, the movies done," I said, as I turned off the TV. I turned to Oliver. "Alright, it's about time you start heading home. I wouldn't want you staying here for too long." I get up and stretch. Oliver gets up and grabs his backpack, which he had taken upstairs and kept right next to him. 

"Thanks for having me. It was really fun writing a song with you. I hope we can do it more often," he said as he grabbed his coat from the staircase and put it over his shoulders. "I'll be heading home now, bye! Text me tomorrow, alright?" 

"Yeah, I will. It was amazing writing a song with you as well. Bye Oliver!" I say while I shut the door. Oh my gosh. Today was a tiring day. I go slump on the couch. So many thoughts were in my head.

I realized I hadn't had so much fun like I did today. Something about Oliver was different. I wasn't scared of him, like how i was with other people I met for the first time. He seemed to give off good vibes. Something about him wanted me to stay with him.

His smile was perfect, his laugh was adorable, his jokes were funny. He just seemed amazing. I was able to be myself around him, and he didn't judge like everyone else did. I wanted to stay longer with him.

What was this feeling?

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