Chapter 2

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Kyro: Atlanta? Dad why are we in Atlanta?

He asks me walking through the airport.

Justin: Well Atlanta is where I'm from. Daddy went to New York for college and never left. Come on here's our luggage.

I say taking his hand to go to the luggage pick up. I can't lie and say that I'm not nervous to be here in Atlanta. So many bad memories lie here for me. I don't even know where to start with you guys.

Kyro: Sooo do you have family here?

Justin: Well yea.

Bad memory 1.

Justin: All of my family is here. My mom and dad... your grandparents. My brother and 2 sisters... your uncle and aunts, and you have a few cousins here too. Maybe you'll get to meet them.

Kyro: Hell yea! I have cousins! Wait you told me you didn't have any family.

Justin: First of all... watch your mouth. And I'm sorry for lying to you. It's just a long story that I'm afraid you won't understand.

Kyro: Try Me!

Janette: Bitttttttccccchhhhhhhhh!!

Oh my god.

Justin: Why are you so loud!

I ask walking to her with my head down in embarrassment but at the same time gratitude. For saving me from having this conversation.

Janette grabs my neck and squish our face together mad tight might I add. She can't be too close cause there is a belly in the way.

Janette: Aww little brother. It's so good to see you. I've missed you so much.

I didn't know how much I needed that hug. Until tears started running down my face. Janette is my twin sister. And the only one who I've stayed connected with here in Atlanta.

Justin: Hi sister! Omg you have me in tears.

I say. Wiping my face from all the wetness.

Janette: And this must be Kyro! It's so good to finally see you face to face. I'm your aunty Nettie. Omg you're so cute. And this hair!! This is one good thing I can say happened between you and that no good, Chinese dick, no lip bastard.

He is Chinese... but he definitely don't have a Chinese dick.

Kyro: Dad what is she talking about.

Justin: Nothing at all.

I say giving her the eye.

Janette: Come on lets go get your stuff.

Justin: This is all that we brought. Figured we'd buy things as we go.

Janette: Well ok Child.

Thats right I left pretty much everything at that house as is. How bout you clean and pack the house up you bitch!


Janette: Ew bitch this is nice. For somebody who's bank account is on pause, you sure have good taste.

Oh the shade!

Janette parked her car on this long driveway in front of this beautiful little 2 bedroom 2 bath cottage house that I was able to put a deposit on. It's the perfect fit for Me and Ky.

Justin: First of all BITCH, I said he froze all of our accounts. I still have my own account. And don't forget I am a lawyer. I makes mine. Kyro get your things out of the trunk.

Janette: Sooooo

Justin: Oh Lord what Nettie

Janette: How are you gonna be affording this place?

Justin: I haven't gotten that far yet. Geesh can I go in the house first?

Janette: Ok. You know I'm just saying, Daddy has enough space for you both.

Justin: Girl I am not moving with no DAMN DADDY! So what he can be a great role model  for Kyro unlike he was a great one to me? Running from one psycho to another is quite delusional.

Janette: And who's gonna protect you from that psycho huh? When he finds out that you kidnapped his son and moved States. No I mean STATES away?

Justin: I can't kidnap someone that came out of my booty whole (just go with it and don't ask no questions. Justin can have babies). Yea I said it. Kyro is mine. I take care of him. He goes wherever I go. And that's on everything.

Janette: ok that was just too much.

Justin: Well.

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