The Story That Saved Me

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Hi my name is Hannah and I would like to tell a story, a story that I'm living through.

I'm 15 and I'm currently living in the United States. I wanna move to Korea with my Boyfriend when I get older, but I'm not sure, I hardly know the language, all I know are a few cuss words.

I started listening to Kpop when I was around 9 it started with SHINee, and then I slowly got out of the faze in 5th grade. But suddenly my life changed before my eyes.

my mother ended up passing when I was around 13. I started having depression, I started over thinking, hurting myself, smoking, getting into the wrong people, and then I tried to find comfort music and that's when I found BTS... I went from SHINee to BTS in 2 years.

Alot changes I thought to my self. I was officially a teenager and not a child. I slowly started to listen to more and more songs as they helped with my over thinking, my depression, and hurting myself, just like it's been 2 years since my also attempt.

Iv noticed myself as the out cast of my family as my older sister puts it, she won't let me do certain stuff because of the type of music I listen to.

I'm not really free around her anymore. But iv learned things from different songs. Iv learned things from different groups, and I feel safe in the fandoms that I'm currently in.

Yes it's hard when let's say your fav member leaves the group or your fav member dies, but the best thing to remember is the group it's self, and what the whole group brought forward to you.

Now I'm not saying to leave that member in the past, all I'm saying is to honor them in what they did, and I hope that what's happening now isent just a faze that's going to come and then go.

I'm wanting to stay forever as it's like my forever home, we can be freaks together and dream what we wanna dream, and hopefully I get to meet the idols that saved me. I'm happy to be apart of this world wide family. <33

Thank you for letting me share my story.

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