Meet Through Friends

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Hi, I'm Romaissa, I'm from the Netherlands but my nationality is Maroccain and I'm 14 years old, and here is my story:

When I was in elementary school I had a friend in my class she started liking kpop in 2017.

When she started liking kpop she always told me to listen to it and I did somethimes and I liked it but never really became a fan.

So like she always made me hear kpop songs and told me about bts.  And I liked kpop since then. Since then I used to listen to kpop music without knowing it was kpop.

So like my favorite song was a kpop song without me knowing it was kpop. So yeah I started listening and loving it since then.

In 2020 when ON was released I listened to that song and I kinda liked it but it was not my favorite so I stopped listening to that song. Then in November last year I started listening to bts (conscious) and listened to DNA and when I heard that song I was amazed.

After I listened to that song I started listening more kpop songs and started loving it. Like in a week I became a bts fan and started Stanning them.

And after bts I started to search other groups and Soloists and I really became more interested in them and started Stanning them too.

And since then I really became a kpop fan

Thank you for hearing my story <33

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