The Friend That Changed Me

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Hello! My name is Cam and here is my kinda boring but funny story!

I am currently 19 and I live in Canada. I got into kpop in 2017 but I discovered it a few years prior when one of my school friends showed me a BTS music video. I didn’t want to get into it back then, I don’t even remember why, but she didn’t loose hope and kept showing me MVs and talking about some of her favourite groups.

"Oh, Cam, this guy is a contemporary dancer, just like you! I think you would like him!"

"Cam! Look! He has really small hands, like you! Isn’t that funny?" 

In January of 2017, I met my first internet friend on facebook! She lived 2 hours away and she was a bit younger than me but our friendship was so precious to me!

She got into BTS a few months before me and met some new friends who were also Army.

When she invited me over for her birthday party, I asked her to introduce me to BTS because I wanted to fit in with her friends.

We spent the day watching stages, MVs and interviews to help me recognize the members. I was totally hooked from then on, I was listening to their music every day, watching every new stage or MV and discovering new groups to get into!

A few years later and about a dozen groups stanned, I am now a proud Stay, which I have been for 3 years! I can say that Kpop really changed my life! It proved to me that hard work really pays off and that staying true to yourself is the best way to achieve your goals.

The end! Thank you for hearing my story!

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