My Kpop Rollercoaster

18 3 1

I'm Zemi I'm 18, I'm Trinidadian and Jamaican and heres my not so straightforward story on how I got into kpop!

Okay so how I got into kpop is really weird but its kinda like I was meant to find it.

When I was younger, like 6 or 7, my older cousin would play MissA songs and F(x) for us and we would dance to MissA's Breath all the time.

But I didnt know it was kpop at the time... I also didnt know most places outside the U.S existed besides japan or China all I knew was that it was a type of asian music XD and then I ended up forgetting about it.

And in 6th grade I found a show called "To Be Continued" on Netflix which was Astros pre debut show and when I finished watching I remember thinking...

"If they were a real band I'd listen to them"

And I went on youtube and google and tried finding them but because it was pre debut I couldn't find them and ended up forgetting about the show completely.

Then the summer before I started highschool I found Astros debut song: Astros song baby and from there I just started stanning and found a whole bunch of other bands and about a year into me being a kpop stan I realized that Astro was the band from To Be Continued and that MissA and F(x) were also kpop bands.

So I've been a stan all my life and I didnt know it for most of it🤣


Once I actually got into kpop I felt like I finally had a type of music that I liked. Through kpop I've made much more friends than I would have made without it. I'm a very introverted and shy person and that didn't help me when I tried making friends in my freshman year of highschool...

But seeing the kpop keychains and hoodies in school gave me something to start a random conversation about. To me music can be an escape from my real life. Being able to have something to take me away from my stress really helped me.

Kpop has also given me something I barely decide to do on my own. Exercise.

XD I don't exercise much, call me lazy if you want, but one thing I love to do is dance. I will dance for hours to some dance practices and I do it so often that my 5 year old sister comes and dances with me. (its so cute!! Maria by Hwasa is her favorite) I want to move to South Korea after I finish college so I've been learning Korean and so far its been easy I definitely hear most of the words I've learned in the songs I listen to now so its interesting.

Learning Korean also helps me to accurately sing along to my favorite songs because...

I was nowhere near correct before...

But that's good because now I can post song covers in Korean!! I know I wrote a lot but if you actually finished reading thanks a lot!!

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