Boiling Beer

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??? Pov:

I was running, I could still hear the prison alarms going off. I needed to find somewhere to hide or something to escape with or-

They stopped. I should have still been able to hear them. Where am I?

"That noise was quite annoying..."

A weirdly colored man stepped out of the shadows... he was eating a piece of halloween candy for some reason...

"What were you doing in a prison?"

I didn't speak, I already only really spoke if I had to or if my best friend was nearby. Besides... speaking was what landed me there.

"C'mon speak you can trust me, and I know you can speak after all I mainly just wanted to hear your point of view, the man that 'harrassed' a customer!"

"Well earlier that day I had a doctor's appointment which put me on edge... so I decided to go get some bud light to calm down. Then some lady with a kid that definitely needed the doctor more then I did came up to me. And then! That b!tch was telling me that I shouldn't buy a single package of bud light, while they were getting a FREAKING BOAT LOAD OF WINE!"

I immediately covered my mouth at the last sentance... he started to chuckle a small amount before walking away.

"Where are you going?"

He motioned for me to follow, not saying a word.

Eventually we made it to a house. It's quite a normal house for Florida honestly... even has a crocodile nest chilling next to it.

"Why don't you join me inside? I won't kill you..."

I walked into his home and I still felt... like I shouldn't be there.

"Drink up, you seem like you haven't had a proper drink in years."

He handed me a bud light.


He smiled and sat down across the table from me.

"I need people for something, I thought I would invite someone who seems to be on the run. Plus we do have similarities. Florida men... some have to stick together."

"What do you want from, what will I get out of this, what's your name."

He chuckled a bit and sighed

"I want you to join me, immortality of sorts, and my name is graystillplays or gray for short."

"Quit joking, immortality doesn't exist."

"Are you sure? If you disagree you won't find out if I'm just punching you in the balls or if I truly do have access to a powerful art."

There was no lying in his voice. He had access to something I thought was just a dream for foolish people.

"I just realized I don't know your name!"

My name... 3 things to a name... right? First, middle and last just like a book... my middle name I can't remember... my last name has to be somewhere in my mind and my first name is...

"Flori. I can't remember the other parts to it."

"That's no good. We will have to fix that now won't we. Unfortunately I can't come up with anything right now so we will deal with it later. For now... we have some work to do."

I felt the floor drop out from beneath me as I fell into a dark abyss...

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