Barbecued Friend

28 0 3

??? Pov:

I nearly didn't make it out as the fire raged behind me.

"Heh... thanks for the tip!"

"Of course. Say, do you want to stay at my estate for a while?"

I looked up as the fire stretched past the moon.

"Eh, not really. I'll just wrasle a roo for a warm spot."

The man that had helped me earlier just stayed grinning.

"My sources tell me that there's someone you're looking for?"

"Yea, he's technically an escaped convict, but he probably didn't do nothin."

"You're probably right. My house has a strange effect on people, they become immortal in a way just so you know."

I finally stared him in the eyes.

"You serious? Cause mate, that ain't really a common happen stance."

"100% sure. Your friend is still around there because of its effects. The only issue is once guests enter, they tend to stay for a while."

I just started laughing, then grabbed his hand and shook it.

"Well! Why the hell not? You helped him out so I'll join! Names Aussie! Now let's go!"

As soon as I let go of his hand, the floor below me gave out and I fell through a void, landing on a couch.


I looked around, quite a few interesting people. There was even a cat with ears the might have the span of a mile!

"Hey there buckaroo, you living here as well?"

The cat stared at me and meowed cheerfully, another few approached, all having their own weird disproportionate effects.

Most resembling the cat I was currently petting.

When I retracted my hand, I'm pretty sure the white powder on my hand was not flour or dandruff.

I was swarmed by cats when I heard a familiar voice.

"Spleens! Get your kittens off the new guy!!"

I looked to the man who had spoken, and we must've had the same reaction at the same time.

"Flori!!!! You are here!!!!"

"Aussie!? Why the hell are you- no no no... don't tell me you made a deal with-"

The area changed, we were frozen like statues, next to an empty looking house.

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