Walmart Fabio

34 0 9

{Title is the first thing he was described as}

Sitting on the bus stop bench was an odd man.

He had an empty pot and was just grinning dopily.

A man walked down the dark street, adjusting his arm to fit back in its socket.

"Oh? That's a new sight?"

A cat jumped out from behind him and ran over to the guy with the pot.

He looked over and grinned at it.

"Hello little kitty!!! Are you gonna join me??"

Spleens the cat purred at the man's enthusiasm at the idea of company. She let herself be pet by him.

"Seems Spleens likes you. What are you doing? The bus doesn't come till morning."

Gray sat down next to the man, noticing the pot with roughed up dirt, over grown with most likely deadly weeds.

This sprung up an idea as he saw the pack of seeds in his pocket.

"Are you good at plants?"

"I've been told I'm not, but I'm also not sure why they say that?"

This was good, pretty much not a single brain cell in his head.

"Do you want to help me with something?"

"You're asking me? Sure!"

Spleens stared up at Gray, knowing something was up.

"Great! I'll just need your name."

"Colono Scopy!"

Colono held out a hand to Gray and grinned. Gray just looked with dumb founded amusement.

"Sorry, could I get that in writing?"


After confirming that yes, his name is Colono Scopy, Gray started laughing, then stood up.

Spleens hopped off and twirled around Gray before clambering up onto his shoulders.

"I'll tell you what I need you to do, just follow me."

Colono got up and followed after, leaving the pot behind, as two small stones slowly peaked their way out of the soil.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2023 ⏰

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