Chapter one-The Thief, The Ladies, and the biting

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"A wonderful afternoon, M'Ladies, but I must be going...", Richard Maygrove said. He wiped the napkins over his mouth.

      "Oh, please don't go, Sir. Mother and Father are late...And I'm afraid we don't have any 'usbands to be with...Or...", Maggie blushed again.

        "No 'usbands...I think my original purpose of coming here has been longer than before...I do have more 'ouses to I'l clean this napkins...I don' want to make a mess", Richard Maygrove uttered truthfully.

        "Father and Mother are on board a ship called The Happy Charm", Bertha said.

        "I was on that ship once. Lady Gemma Carnavan, the Head Vampire of Mist Gate, used to travel when she was a girl. There was a rumor that rogue Vampires sailed the violent seas to bite locals...and lay siege to countries and cities...And one of the them  bit her in the neck thrice...It was a criminal called Pleeger, The Mad.  It was Lady Gemma's first adventure by ship. She was 5. She wouldn't be a Lady until she met her future 'usband aged 12 in 1822, the new Vampire Lord Simon Carnavan, until seven years' later. The year was 1815. But I digress from my story...

          "...Pleeger, The Mad had long, black hair, red colored eyes, and very tall. He wore a straightjacket, and was chained to the wall in the ship's "Dark Room". He was known for biting people if he had had the chance...He was barefoot. No socks; no shoes; no boots. Nothing. His teeth were sharp, fang-like; his fingers were clawed, sharp. They raked across the flesh of victims. He drank from their blood...And, once he was full of blood, he wiped the blood over his skeletal face, as in a mocking gesture to everyone who saw him...And, once night, a Saturday I believe,  Lady Gemma mistook her room for Pleeger, The Mad's room. And, as a result, she saw him. He hadn't fed for awhile, nay, two hours' before, and, as a result, he saw this young girl...alone...And the young Lady Gemma flicked on the she could see...And, to her horror, as she grabbed a small candle in her small hand, she screamed when she saw him...

            "...Pleeger, The Mad raked his vampiric, right clawed fingers across Lady Gemma's face...And bit her thrice in the neck...But, unlike other Vampires, his bloodline came from Hungary in Europe. He knew Countess Erzerbet Bathory, "The Blood Countess". The Countess, as you shall know in History books, was a killer. And Vampire. She ripped the throats out of young Village girls...And she bathed in their blood...She also tortured her victims...But I won't go into those details...And then, once she died, she was infected with what her parents Lord and Lady Carnavan called "The Mad Blood disease". And, when she was rescued, they killed Pleeger, The Mad by chopping his head off with an axe...But, those who did the foul deed, were also infected because of the blood that splattered all over the room...And the two men went insane...And they committed suicide by slitting their throats with razors to stop the pain and disease spreading in their bodies...And their bodies were thrown in the sea by men wearing masks and gloves...And everyone fled the Ship of Blood once they reached The London Ports...And the ship was destroyed...But the horror of what happened continued...

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