Unique (Nishinoya x Reader)

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Cl1 = Color 1
Cl2 = Color 2

You stood up straight. You looked in the mirror. You bit your lip. You looked at your eyes. You looked at the Cl1 one, then looked at the Cl2 one. You inhaled. Another day with Heterochromia. B-But it's going to be a good day. Hopefully. "Y/n, hurry it up! You have to go to school!" Your mom called. You sighed. She wasn't your best supporter. She didn't like your eyes. It's not your fault it's like that. You exhale and walk out. You lower your head and look right past her. Maybe she wouldn't see you without your special glasses. "Ahem." Dammit. "Your glasses." You wince. You put on a fake smile of gratitude.

"Oh wow! Thanks mom! I was looking for these." You said grabbing them from her. She raised an eyebrow. She put a hand on her hip.

"They were in the trash." You looked shocked.

"No! Really?" She rolls her eyes.

"Take better care of them. They cost more than a college fund." Then you wasted your money. You thought. You hated those things. They aren't even really glasses. Their just shaped that way. Their purpose was to block your eyes. Your mom got them for you 12th birthday and you've been trying to rid of them since. You walk out the door as your mom shuts it. If home wasn't enough trouble, school was torture. As soon as you walk through the hall, you can hear the rumors.

"I heard she's diseased."


"I heard her eyes got switched out with someone else's because her eyes were messed up."

"But her eyes are still messed up." You snap.

"It's not messed up you idiot! I was born this way! Now shut up before I come over there and beat the hell out of you!" You yelled. The group jumps. They knew you were serious. If your eyes weren't enough, your temper was the ticket to gossip. But in your defense, when people are talking about you, who wouldn't get pissed?

"Who woke up on the wrong side of the bed this mourning?" You were about to snap again but you see it's your friend Nishinoya.

"Noya!" You said excitedly. He never talked about your eyes. It's like he doesn't care. You don't meet those people often. You wish everyone could be like Noya.

"Don't let the punks and idiots get to you." Noya advised. He was right but the punks and idiots are the ones who get you the most. "They don't get it. You're not weird or anything, your just unique." When teachers and your mom say that, it's another way of saying your a freak. But when Noya says it, it's pure. It's a compliment. Not another insult. You smile and blush. You don't get compliments often.

"You're right. Noya, you'd make a great senpai." He was so happy when you say that. Later that day, you were in Ms. Shizuka's (Quick Message: I'll be using the same teacher name forward school.) class, when she called your name to answer then question. After you did, someone raised their hand.


"How come your eyes are different colors? It's creepy you know. Is it contagious?" He said. Everyone it the class started laughing and some idiots scooted their desks away from you. You buried your head in your arms. You were being humiliated. Tears formed in your eyes. Why do I act so tough, when I know it hurts? Why don't they know it hurts? It's not funny! You think. You stand and flip the desk over. Silence echoes across the room. The sound was so loud. Everyone stares at you.

"Ms. L/n! You do not tr-" Ms. Shizuka began. You look to her and she jumps in fright.

"You can't even start! WHAT KIND OF TEACHER ARE YOU, HUH?! YOU DIDN'T EVEN TRY TO STICK UP FOR ME!!" You scream at her. You turn to the class.


"I hate this school!" You shout. The teachers from other classes crowded the door, some students too. You sob and cover your eyes. You push the people at the door out of the way.

"Y/n wait!" You hear someone yell. You didn't stop. Why me? Why did I have to be born this way? Why does everyone act this way? You think. You finally stop running once you reach a Cherry Blossom tree. You burry your face into your arms, and sob. It's not the worst thing that's happened to me, so why did I snap there? Maybe I'm just sick of it. I've put up with it my whole life. Since I was 3. Since I could talk. I am sick of it. You hear someone sit next to you. You look up at them. It's Noya. You sit there in silence for a moment. "Those idiots. I didn't know it was that bad." You snap. That bad?

"That bad? That bad?!" You jump up. Tears streaming down your face. "You thought that was bad?! Hohoho! You have no idea! Everyday, I put up with this mess! Since I was a kid!! Called me 'devil', 'monster', 'freak'!! Always wearing masks around me like it's contagious! Having so many stupid glasses to block my eyes!! Stupid rumors about me! Lonely for my entire middle school year! Everyone hating me! Even the damn teachers were terrified of me!!" You scream pouring out your sorrow to him. He sits there staring. "Nothing ever changes! My dad committed suicide probably because of me!!" You yelled dropping to the floor. You planted your face into your hands. You sat there. Crying. Pouring your heart out. You quiet down. "Just why? Why can't I just fade away? It doesn't even matter anyway.." You stare at the grass. Noya sits down. He pushes your head into his chest. You sit there for a moment. Shocked. You blush.

"It matters to me."

That was it. Tears fell out your eyes. You grabbed his shirt, and gripped it as you sobbed on him. Noya. No. Finally someone who understands.

You're no freak.




"You're just unique."

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