Candies (Nishinoya x Reader) {Edited}

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A/N: CRINGE. FEST. UGH! JUST UGH! I was getting goosebumps at how TERRIBLE this is!! Like seriously, I almost puked! Thought I was joking with that serious editing? Nope. And after this, no one can save me.

Anyway, enjoy this edited chapter.

You were watching Nishinoya practice. He kept doing his great move but the one of the kind name rolling thunder was not what you would describe it as. "Get a new name!" You yell out to him.

"Never!!!!" He looked a Kageyama. "Again!" You slapped your hand on your head. 

"Teach me the Rolling Thunder!" Hinata said as Tanaka laughed. Same old practice.

"You've got to get a new name, Noya." You said as Nishinoya walked you home.

"Nope. Never gonna happen. Anyway did you get candy yesterday?" He asked with a smile. You have been getting candy all week.

"Yeah. It's been popping up all week. Why?"

"No reason."


"We're here." He said stopping in front of your house. 

"No, really?" You asked, sarcastically. He chuckled. He loved you sarcasm. It'd always make him smile.

"Bye, Y/N!" Noya called out to you as you walked towards the front door.

"Bye Noya!" The pink on Noya's cheeks brightened slightly as he saw your smile. He always said he loved it. You've got no idea why. He clearly sees something you don't because you think that you're too unlucky for a glow-up. He thinks you don't need one.

You'll never understand.


You opened the door to get the mail. Every Saturday, a stack of bills comes piling in and you're the only one who's not too lazy enough to go get it. You halted in your step as something squishy was felt at the bottom of you crocs. You looked down to see a gumdrop. You picked the squashed gumdrop and noticed others were making a trail. 

So of course, like any good person you left it alone. 


You thought.

You followed the trail. When the trail ended at a hill, you saw Nishinoya with a gumdrop box in his hands. "Noya? You're the litterer?" You asked in slight surprise. He can never talk about you dropping paper again.

"Yep. Come sit. I wanted to bring you here." Nishinoya said patting a seat next to him. 

"Too lazy to make a phone call?" You asked with a raised eyebrow. You sat next to him and looked up. The sky was painted in colors of orange, pink, and purple. It was gorgeous.

"What a beautiful sunset." You muttered underneath your breath. The small 2nd year stared at you, gently. The colors went perfectly with you (e/c) eyes and your hair flowed through the wind perfectly. It felt so perfect.

"Not as beautiful as you, Y/n." Noya stated, wholeheartedly. With a raised eyebrow and a smile, you turned to him.

"I'm not beautiful." You retorted.

"You keep telling that same lie everyday." He said, and then you start to notice his soft lips on yours. A surprise kiss? Perfectly timed.

All from the start. You couldn't help but laugh to yourself. That's so Noya.

You brought your arms around his neck as you embraced the warm kiss.

"It's about damn time!" A certain Tanaka yelled. You and Nishinoya turned and giggled. Of course he'd be here.

"You're wing man?"


"I should've known."

"I love you, Y/n."

"I love you too, Noya."

The sunset was beautiful. But nothing could be better than this moment.

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