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A tall, good looking mid aged woman stepped through the barrier that divided the outside and the inside form each other, she then examined the state of the house before then scolding her son

Danny's mom: I told you to open this door long time ago, what were you doing?!

Danny: W-well, you know I-

Danny's mom: I didn't ask for a reason young man, by the way, I know there's another person in this apartment, tell me who it is before I tear your whole apartment down

Danny:  What?? T-there's non one i-in this house

Danny's mom: Fine Danny, if this is how you want it to go, then so be it

She then headed straight for the kitchen and took out one of Danny favourite foods, making him even more worried and angry at the same time

Danny's mom: Well, this looks really tasty, when did you by this, I don't think you mind me having a bite

Just as she was about to take a huge bite out of it, Y/N came out of the game room wearing one of Danny's shirts making it  look like big on her and look like she is not wearing anything under

Y/N: Danny's mom! I t was me! Take all your anger out on me instead

What happened next made both Danny and Y/N shocked. Danny mom then walked towards Y/N with a stern expression on her face

Danny's mom: So nice to meet you darling, Danny you should've told me that you had a  girl over, also you should have told me you had a girlfriend, you've always been a loner when it come to girls especially the one that are really good looking

Y/N then chuckled slightly making Danny confront his mother about it

Danny: Mom, you don't have to say everything

Danny's mom: My dear, if you don't mind me asking, what is you name?

Y/N: Oh, my name is Y/N

Danny's mom: Such a unique name you have, this explains your beauty, one of a kind

Danny looked at his mother with the most pleading expression written all over his face telling her to leave his house immediately, but instead she sent him a death glare which made him immediately shift his gaze directly to the ceiling saying under his breath

Danny: I never knew there was a crack in the ceiling let me see closer

Danny's mom ignored Danny remark and said

Danny's mom: Dear why don't I teach you how to cook Danny's favourite meal

Danny: Mom!

Danny's mom: Continue dealing with the ceiling!

Y/N: Sure ma'am, I would love o be taught, what is it though?

Dann's mom:They are.....

Danny: No mum!


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