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Y/N woke up, she found herself on the cold floor, she then looked around, unfamiliar with her recent surroundings, she then looked at the scene that was in front of her. She couldn't see clearly,she then squinted her eyes but what she saw made her gag in shock

Y/N: Danny?

The unknown creature looked up, blood dripping down slowly downform sucking the blood of the body beneath it. That's when she was sure that that wasn't Danny, 

Y/N: G-Get away from me!

The creature the lunged towards at an incredible speed. Y/N was frightened to death.

Y/N: Danny!

Just then Y/N found herself in Danny's bed, she both confused, shocked and scared of what had just happened, was it a nightmare or real? It felt so real. Tears then started rolling down her face, she was scared to death.

Danny: hey, hey is everything ok?

Danny had a worried look on his face, he thought everything was ok, until he the tears go down her rosy cheeks, as soon as Y/N heard Danny voice, she turned and hugged him tightly realising all her tears onto him.

Y/N: I-I s-saw-

Danny; Hey, it's fine, you with me now, nothing's gonna happen while i'm here with you,ok? 

After hearing this, Y/N felt so safe in his arms, she forgot about what had just happened and again drifted to sleep in Danny arms, as for Danny, he was completely on edge, knowing  that that dreams was only the beginning of everything, and that his father knew everything.

Danny: So what would you like to do today?

Y/N: I was actually thinking of going to an amusement park with you, maybe disneyland or disney world, I really can't tell the difference.

Danny: Sure we can go to Disneyland

Y/N and Danny than finished eating their breakfast, Y/N headed towards her house, getting ready for the day ahead, this was the same for Danny. A few hours passed and Danny had already finished preparing, he then headed towards Y/N house knocking gently on her door. She then yelled

Y/N: The door's open, just come in

Danny then entered which then he was greeted with a gold filled room, the tables, utensils and many other object were either solid gold or had been imprinted with the angelic colour. Y/N the came out with this outfit.

Danny then couldn't take his eyes off Y/N body, he was mesmerised by bot only her outfit, but her in general

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Danny then couldn't take his eyes off Y/N body, he was mesmerised by bot only her outfit, but her in general

Y/N: Sorry, i took so long, there was a problem with the shower, I forgot to call the plumber.

Danny: Its fine, you look beautiful.

With that both Danny and Y/N headed downstairs for Danny car, they started the engine of the car and there journey started for. Some time inti the journey, they decided to stop at a petrol station for fuel and also to get some drinks. They then entered the convenience store, immediate;y Danny entered he could sense an ungodly presence roaming in the store.

Danny: Y/N, how about you go back into the car and I'll get us both drinks, hmm?

Y/N: Oh, ok then, are you sure tho?

Danny: yup, a hundred percent, don't worry.

With that that being said Y/N gave Danny a kiss on the cheek and headed for the car,as for Danny, he immediately picked up the drinks, ready to leave the store as soon as possible after paying. But what  happened next scared him

Cashier: Long time no see, Danny.

Danny: I'm sorry, do I know you?

Cashier: I'm shocked ,you don't remember me?

Danny then realised who he was talking to and he then said

Danny: Lucas, is that you, what are you doing here?

Lucas: Well, you father actually sent me to give you a warning.

Danny was moved form shocked to pissed in this situation, he grabbed Lucas by the collar

Danny: Listen here Lucas, you better got tell my father, not to interfere with anything in my life, including you know who

All Lucas could do was pull a smirk up to his lips and say

Lucas: oh, everything is just getting started.

Danny let go of Lucas' collar and left the store in a arush, just tot find that Y/N wasn't in the car, this sent a shock wave through his body as he immediately dropped the drink he had in his hands, he immediately called for her, until he spotted her talking to an old man.

Danny: Y/N!

Y/N then looked back wondering who called her, when she spotted who it was,s he smiled and waited for himt or each her

Danny: Where were you, I told you go to the car immediately.

Y/N: Oh, I did, but this old man needed some help crossing the road, so I helped him

As soon as Danny looked at the man below, there was horror filled in his eyes, and all he could do was say

Danny: Y-Y/N lets go

Within a blink of an eye, Y/N and Danny were in the car and they immediately  drove off, as for the old man

Old man: Long time no see, son.

Y/N: hey,what's the hurry for?

Danny: I'll explain later, its fine.

Y/N: No Danny, I want an explanation right  now, when I told you about my dream, you seem to have known what it was about

Danny: Y/N-

Y/N; No Danny

Danny: can we just have fun today, I really don't want to ruin anything in this day for  you , please I promise I'll explain everything after today.

Y/N then looked at Danny which she then made eye contact with him

Y/N: Promise?

Danny: Promise

With that Y/N had a smile plastered on her face, same as Danny.

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