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Remi POV

I walked towards the gate and slightly grabbed the rails.

"What is this?", Emma questioned.

"A gate. It connects to the outside world", Ray replied.

"The outside huh? we've never been there!", Emma exclaimed and I nodded.

"That's because we've been here since we were born", Norman pointed.

"oh yeah mama told us before right...'don't go near the gate or the fence, they're dangerous'!", Emma exclaimed.

"It's obviously a lie", Ray grumbled.

"You think?", I questioned next to him. I've always wondered, why exactly is there a gate to protect us. If its dangerous, why not just move to a different location? why still stay here?

But I knew never to ask. This small decision just happened save my life in the future.

"Hey Ray. what would you do if you go outside?", Emma asked.

"Don't know. What about you", Ray asked.

"I wanna ride a giraffe!", Emma exclaimed. I giggled at her enthusiasm.

"Good luck with that", Ray just turned away, his back leaning on the gate.

"I wonder... what exactly is this gate protecting us from?", Norman questioned himself. This little thought kept running in my head since then. Is this gate really meant to protect?


Still Remi POV

I woke up to the sound of the bell ringing. Ahh, its time to wake up. I sat up straight to see Emma doing the same. We then nodded at each other as a sign.

"Everyone! wake up!! you'll be late for breakfast!!", We both exclaimed loudly, waking everyone up. Another day of acting begins. I let a small sigh slip out at the thought.

Everyone already became energetic, running around chasing each other and making their bed. I went over to help the kids freshen up.

"Emma, Remi, I need help!", Some kids exclaimed.

"Yeah I'm coming!", I exclaimed as I helped anyone near me.

"Hold up, Don't cry!", Emma continued. Emma and I have been best friends since we were younger. She's like a sister to me. That's why I'll do anything needed to protect her.

I picked up Phil as I walked out. I had a bright smile on my face like always. Emma was also walking next to me with another kid.

"Good morning Don, Conny, Little Bernie too!", We exclaimed in pshync. Living together for 12 years does that to you.

"Good morning Emma, Remi!", They greeted back. I then walked into the halls. Emma was holding Phil now.

"Alright, we made it!", Emma exclaimed as I giggled behind her. Suddenly, Emma was pushed forward. She almost fell over. I quickly caught her to help keep her balance. We both then turned around to see who it was. Emma had a death stare in her eyes. The two brats just stood there smiling. Suddenly, Emma started slowly laughing. She turned to face them.

"You guys... ARE TOAST!", She exclaimed as started chasing them. I just stood next to Gilda, laughing. I then followed behind her to the dinning room.

"Morning Norman, Ray!", Emma exclaimed.

"Good Morning!", I greeted along with her. They both greeted us back. I have to admit that after spending twelve years together, I developed a small crush on the raven haired emo boy. Of course, i'd never admit it.

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