sayo x reader

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this is a request 😳 @isimp4runanririka ty for the request

And yes am back lol

fem reader

(name) was winding her own business, getting ready to hang out with her sister. she was brushing her hair until her beloved girlfriend, Sayo, walked in. "Good afternoon, (name). You look like you're going out somewhere." She said. "Yea! Me and (sister) are gonna hang out!" You responded. "Hmm,, well, alright. Have fun and stay safe." Sayo smiled but it quickly went away when (name) left. "Just who is this (sister) person..? Is she cheating? No.. she would never." Sayo thought, getting sadder in the process. To get this off her mind, she decided to take a nice, warm bath.

timeskip (lol)

(name) was back home, and Sayo was on the couch. "Welcome back, (name). Where were you?" Sayo asked. "The mall with (sister)! Remember?" You responded.  "Excuse me if I sound rude, but who even is (sister)? You've been hanging out with them all day." Sayo asked, getting madder by the second. "I- what?" You asked, getting confused. (damn oblivious mf) "Am I not.. good enough?..." she asked, starting to tear up. "What? Nono! It's just that she's my sister, and I thought you already knew is all!" You responded, laughing a bit. "Oh. I apologize for jumping to conclusions. Excuse me for that." She said. "It's alright! I'm actually able to see why you would've thought that." You responded,  smiling. "Should we get pizza or something? I'm tired and don't really feel like cooking." She asked. "Fine with me!" You responded.

Sayo ff go brrrr

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