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sorry im late gamers, o ya this is a crack fic ig???


                                                                                  3rd person

"it was the summer of '89.. me a-" chisato said, but couldnt finish. "wait.. chisato? youre 31?" hina asked, confused. "no, hina! it's for this story! now, continuing.." and then chisato continued her story. 30 minutes later, aya said "this is boring. imma go make some bomb spaghetti." "but aaaaaya! im on a diet!" hina said. "wait... werent you stuffing your face with her pizza rolls earlier?" chisato asked, already knowing the answer. "uh... yea..? but those are beautiful, yummy pieces of pizza bread. so i think i get a pass for that!" hina said, trying to make a point. "bUT THE WHOLE MEANING OF A DIET IS TO NOT EAT ANYTHING UNHEALTHY REIGKHFEWDUJQFmjerrEst" chisato yelled, almost waking up sayo.

"so... you gonna make that bomb spaghetti, aya..?" chisato asked. "yea, just give me a few minutes." aya said, getting up.

then aya and chisato h*ld h*nds in the kitchen 

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