Loup Gris's superhero good doing

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nobody's p.o.v

*bri was in her Loup Gris uniform doing superhero good doing. Loup Gris stopped a bank robbery as the crooks were being put in police cars getting taken to prison as the police gives bri their thanks*

police officer-thanks again Loup Gris for the help 

Loup Gris-it's not a problem

police officer-just how can we ever repay you

Loup Gris-a box of strawberries will be fine

police officer-I'll have an officer deliver your strawberries to your house

*after Bri left she returned to her apartment as she turn's back to her normal form*

Loup Gris-hunt's over!

*sparks flew up from Bri's feet to her head as she turned to her normal form as loona landed in her hand as bri gave her a strawberry to eat*

tmnt 2016 out of the shadows Loup Gris sequelTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang