Casey meets splinter

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no one's p.o.v

*Casey Arrives at the turtles new lair as he looked around As Loup Gris was back to brianna with her Kwami loona on her shoulder*

Donnie-If this purple ooze was injected into Bebop and Rocksteady's bloodstream, it's feasible that were I to pinpoint a singular isotopic signature I may be able to use it to track their location.

Casey-And if we find them, then we find Shredder Put them all in shackles!

Raph-And as long as we all have our hockey masks, what could go wrong?

Casey-Seriously? Now I'm taking wardrobe advice from a bunch of Swamp Things...Hey! Living in an underground amusement park with Loup Gris and a tiny creature and have, forgive me, the most pretentious names ever

April-Uh, excuse me, I named them

*Casey sees splinter in the back room*

Casey-Hey, guys? Nobody move. Don't move! There is a giant rat back there.

Raph-Yeah, we've, uh...


Raph-Seen him around here before

*Leo shakes his head and mouthed no*

Raph-You know, there's only one way to get rid of him You got to get low.

Mikey-Low! Yeah

Raph-When you go at him, you got to go fast, and you got to go hard.

Mikey-We believe in you, Casey Jones. It's all you, bro.

*Leo softly chuckles*

Raph-Exactly. We need you to get him.

Mikey-Three, two, one, go!

*Casey charges at splinter screaming until he gets knocked down*

Splinter-Giant rat, 1. New guy, 0.

Raph-I can't believe it was that easy. I almost thought he wasn't gonna do it for a second.

Mikey-Good stuff. Good stuff We should really have people over more often.

*Bri helps Casey up*


April-You're leaving?

Casey-If I can find my way out of here, I am. You know, I was doing just fine tracking Bebop and Rocksteady, and then you just T-boned my existence. So now I'm gonna find them or I'm gonna go down swinging.


Casey-No, it's like they say, "If you want to get work done, don't spend time at the zoo."

*Casey sees the boys' truck*

Casey-"Tartaruga Brothers"? That's the...That's the truck. It was them Who are these guys?

April-These four have done more for this city than you will ever know or they will ever take credit for

Bri-So if you want to go down swinging, these guys hit harder than anyone

tmnt 2016 out of the shadows Loup Gris sequelTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang