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our tmnt character's will finally get a miraculous in this book! 

(Leo-dragon miraculous

hero words=Longg bring the storm)

(splinter-turtle miraculous

hero words=Wayzz shell on!)

(Casey-snake miraculous

hero words=sass scales slither)

(Mikey-monkey miraculous

hero words=xuppu show time) 

(April-bee miraculous

hero words=pollen buzz on)

(Donnie-fox miraculous

hero words=trixx let's pounce)

(raph-tiger miraculous

hero words=roarr paint my stripes)

Vern-mouse miraculous

hero words=mullo get squeaky)

(Chief Vincent-bunny miraculous

hero words=fluff clockwise)

tmnt 2016 out of the shadows Loup Gris sequelWhere stories live. Discover now