Blood Moon Pack [edited]

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I woke up with my right hand handcuffed to a bed, my leg was wrapped tightly with gauze and my body was dressed in really baggy dark blue sweatpants and a big grey tank top, they looked like mens cloths. I sniffed cautiously, Yep definitely a dude's wardrobe.

 Clever, they figured out my main hand from just a short encounter and that's the one they only handcuffed...

"Heeeeeeellooooooo?!?" I began to clang the handcuff rapidly against the metal post.

I tugged lightly on my restraints, they clanged together against the metal of the bed post. against the metal to make noise.

I sighed, and surveyd the room, crème walls, gold wallpaper lining the ceiling, white curtains on the window. It was a fairly large window, my heart skipped a beat, a chance to escape? But the wind picked up the curtain exposeing that the window was locked and bars covered it.

I sat up and looked at my wrist, I examined the piece of metal carefully, when I discovered what I was looking for I swore. Enchanted metal, one of the enchanters must have made it so I cant shift.

"HEY!!!! IM AWAKE AND I WANT TO TALK TO YOU PEOPLE ABOUT MANNERS AND WAYS TO TREAT A LADY!!!!!!" I screamed into the empty room. Only the bed and a wooden chair was in here. I growled my frustration and tore at the handcuffs, my nails cracked and blood began to drip on the white sheets.

"HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEY!" I yelled again, my voice cracked at the end, desperation began to claw at my throat. Did they just handcuff me here to die?

"Yeah yeah yeah, we hear you. Daaang, you're the impatient one." A boy walked in muttering, he was rubbing his ear and looked at me. It was Sam, the young alpha's beta. I finally got a good look at him. He was tall, about 6'3, the average height for male wolves, he had bronze skin and dark green eyes, he had beach blonde hair.

"Well im sorta kinda chaind to a bed... in a full house of male wolves.... ud think id be uncomfortable." I glared but honestly i wasnt all that mad. Aside from the fact that he was fairly attractive, he didnt do anything to it was that blasted bloody older alpha!

"True true..." he replied, "sorry about the restraints we needed to make sure you werent going to run."

"There are 3 inch thick silver bars on that window.... and enchanted oak wood is what that door is made of.... even if i were to not be restrained there is no way id make it out alive." i deadpanned, sharing my analysis on the situation.

"Very observant you are. But honestly theres no reason, we're not going to hurt you.... wait thats a lie our alpha will torture you if you dont answer why you, a rogue, is on our land, but other then that you're in the clear." he gave a cheerful smile like he was saying we're going to go out for ice cream later.

I sweatdropped, "oh joy..." I raised my handcuffed hand, "can u unchain me?"

"Sorry, from the bed yes, but ill have to restrain both of ur hands so I can take you to the interigation room." he moved foward

"just be gentle....I cant promise my wolf wont try and run..." I spoke honestly not really wanting to hurt him, it was orders I understood that well

He unchained me and gently pulled my arms back and tied my wrist with thick rope, before pulling a itchy bag over my head, blocking my vision.

Then he carefully pulled me to my feet and patiently lead me while I limped, to the door. when we got into the hall he gave me and quick apology before spinning me many times to the right, then many times to the left, disorienting my  sense of direction.

 Before I knew it, we entered another room where other rougher hands yanked me and shoved me into a chair, tying my ankles down to the legs and chaining my wrists down, then they pulled straps across my chest crossing them and tightening them till it was difficult to breathe, lastly they yanked the bag off and stepped back.

The older alpha stepped in and a shot of hate coursed through me, my wolf howled for revenge, I watched him hoping to make him feel uncomfortable but he only looked amused.

"Interagation time, little pup." he mocked, before sending out the others Sam lingered at the door but then followed suit at the mans glare.

"ah hell...."


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