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George opened his mouth to speak at the same time as Dream, causing them both to laugh.

"You go ahead," he said.

"I was just going to say you looked amazing."

He giggled and did a silly slow spin to show off. George couldn't help but notice the way Dream's eyes lingered on his backside. He would have to remember to thank Wilbur for his excellent advice.

"What were you going to say?" Dream asked when George stopped twirling like a goof.

"I wanted to apologize for being so late. The train was delayed and I forgot to charge my phone before I left my apartment. I hope I didn't worry you too much." The brunette scratched the back of his neck nervously.

Dream smiled softly. "It doesn't matter. You're here now." He stepped forward daringly to press a kiss to the man's cheek, causing them both to blush like schoolchildren.

"I'm glad I'm here too." George smiled back.

"Come on, Romeo. Let's go see if we can save dinner." Dream led him towards the kitchen.

As it turned out, dinner could not be salvaged. George apologized profusely, feeling terrible about all the hard work Dream had put into cooking going to waste. Dream tried to reassure him, but he insisted on paying when they ordered sushi.

The men ended up sprawled out on the living room floor with their food. Even after they finished eating they stayed on the floor, steadily gravitating closer to each other until George's head rested on Dream's stomach as they talked.

"And we actually sang Anaconda in front of the entire school. Sapnap absolutely ridiculous choreography included us crawling around on the floor and him and Alex dry humping like bunnies." Through his laughter George saw Dream's eyes widen as he remembered something else. "Oh my god. I was wearing a fanny pack. An actual fanny pack that I actually thought looked good." George laughed even harder at the look of absolute horror on Dream's face.

"That is the funniest thing I have ever heard." George's eyes were tearing up.

Dream groaned. "God, why am I telling you this? You must think I'm a total loser now. Note to self, never tell anyone about high school ever again."

"Stop it. I think it's adorable." George waited until the man looked into his eyes and smiled softly. "I think you're adorable."

Dream blushed and looked away.

"Besides, it's not like I never did anything embarrassing in high school. I once tried to seduce a crush by singing When I Get You Alone in the middle of a Hot Topic store, trying to be romantic. I accidentally got the guy fired," George admitted.

"Are you serious?" Dream chuckled.

"For Valentine's Day," he nodded seriously.

The brunette was almost thrown off Dream's body from the force of his laughter.

Dream was on cloud nine. Despite everything that had gone wrong that day, their date was going spectacularly. He was still a little disappointed that he hadn't been able to impress George with his cooking skills, but the sushi was great and eating on the floor together was more intimate than eating with a table between them.

Now with rested his head on a throw pillow and George's head cushioned on his stomach, Dream couldn't believe how comfortable he felt. Despite only knowing each other for a few days, it felt like they had been doing this forever. Maybe this was what it felt like to meet your soulmate. Dream wondered if the other felt the same way.

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