09. Rescuing It

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"Hello mam , I am elsa's boyfriend"

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"Hello mam , I am elsa's boyfriend"



We were walking down the stairs when my hand started to freeze again

Harry clutched his scar and hissed

We walked and saw quirell standing infront of the same mirror that we saw that day

"I knew it" I said

"You?" Harry asked

"No , this can't be . Snape was ?" Harry was cut of by quirell

"Yes, he does seem the type , doesn't he ?" Asked quirell

"Next to him , who would suspect ......p-p-p-poor s-s-stuttering prof-professor quirell" quirell said mocking himself

"Me" I said proudly

"I was suspicious of you when I first saw you turning around on the sorting ceremony and when my hand started to freeze" I said

"Ah yes the girl-with-the-ice-power , so powerful , no surpise there" quirell said

"Of course you would , you are the one working for voldemort" I said

"B-but that day during the quiditch match , snape tried to kill me" harry butted in

"No harry , quirell was looking at you too , without blinking" I said

"Snape was trying to save me?" Harry asked

"I knew you were a danger to me , right from the start , especially after halloween" quirell said

"Then you let the troll in" harry said furious

"Very good potter , yes , but snape wasn't fooled . While everyone ran to the dungeons , he went to the third floor , to head me of . He of course never trusted me again" quirell said

"Serves you right" I said

"Snape rarely left me alone. But he doesn't know , I am never alone . Never. Now what does the mirror do? I see what I desire . I see myself holding the stone . But how do I get it ?" Asked quirell looking at the mirror

"Use the boy" said a deep voice out of no where

"Come here potter, Now" quirell said

"No harry " I said stopping him

Harry made his way towards the mirror as I tried to stop him

Quirell marched towards him as I used my power and threw ice at him

He looked at me angrily and flicked his hand as my hands flew backwards as I fell and my hands glued to the ground with ice

"Tell me what do you see" quirell questioned him

𝐅𝐑𝐎𝐙𝐄𝐍, harry potterWhere stories live. Discover now