26. Buckbeak

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"The shrieking shack"

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"The shrieking shack"



"Come to see the show?" Draco asked

Today was the day buckbeak is going to be executed

We were going to meet hagrid, but met this idiot

"You! You foul, loathsome, evil little cockroach" hermione said and went towards him pointing her wand at his neck

Malfoy whimpered and moved back in fear

"Hermione! No, he is not worth it" ron said

"Anna" malfoy said

"I can't draco, you are at fault" anna said

Hermione lowered her wand and turned at us

Malfoy and his goons laughed

Hermione turned again and punched malfoy in the face

"Wooo" I cheered and watched them run away

"A little magic" I said and made ice on their way

They slipped and fell down on their face probably breaking their noses

They all stood up again and ran like a coward with their bleeding nose

"That felt good" hermione said smiling

"Not good brilliant" ron complimented as I and harry smirked at each other

I told everyone that me and harry are dating and hermione and anna congratulated me while ron turned his overprotective brother side on and gave harry a lecture on how to take care of me with gred and forge too

"We should go" anna said and we left to hagrids hut

"Hey hagrid" we greeted

"Hi" he said gloomily

"Hagrid we are sorry-" harry said

"Nah it's fine" hagrid said

"It's all decided. Nothing yeh can do, wa' some tea?" hagrid asked

Hagrid poured us tea as we decided to stay here

Hagrid scolded us and told us that we should go back to the castle and gave ron his rat back

"Scabbers?" Ron said "scabbers, what are you doing here?" Ron said taking his rat in his hands but the rat started to struggle

"It ok scabbers, there are no more cats! It's alright" ron said as I saw a finger missing in his paw

Wait didn't harry told me that black destroyed pettigrew and the only thing left was a finger

And ron's rat doesn't have a paw

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