45. detention

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"looks like the punishment of disobeying me did not do any good to you, slut"

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"looks like the punishment of disobeying me did not do any good to you, slut"



that pink bitch had gave us detention

So that was where we were going

We reached her office door as I looked at harry once again

He nodded at me as I knocked on her door

"Come in" we heard her high-pitched chirp

I opened the door to come in contact with all pink

Is this candy land?

I looked around to see a huge number of cats were hanging on her wall

"Good evening Mr. Potter, Miss. Scamander" umbitch said

"Sit" she said pointing her head towards 2 chairs near her desk

Harry closed the door behind us as we walked towards the chairs

"You're going to be doing some lines for me today Mr. Potter, Miss. Scamander" umbitch said as we took our seats

We went to take our quill out but were interrupted

"No, not with your quills. You're going to be using a rather special one, mine" umbitch interjected

She picked 2 quills from her desk and placed them on the sheets

"Now, I want you to write, 'I must not tell lies' " umbitch said

"How many times?" Harry asked coldly

"Well, lets say, for as long as it takes for the message to sink in" she answered

"You haven't given us an ink though" I said

"Oh you won't need any ink" umbridge said

We looked at each other as I shrugged

I looked down at my sheet and started to write

Half way in my hands started to burn

I thought that it was some insect and wriggled my hand, continuing to write

But then again, my hand started to burn. And this time, I felt like something was being carved into my hands

I looked down and saw my hand bright red, with faint letters carved on it

I looked closely to see

I must not tell lies

Was carved

"What happened?" Umbitch said coming in front of us

"Nothing" I replied

"That's right" umbitch said and turned around

𝐅𝐑𝐎𝐙𝐄𝐍, harry potterWhere stories live. Discover now