84. Frozen

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"Harry, Anna"

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"Harry, Anna"



Harry came back down, looking like he just discovered something shocking

"what happened, Harry?" I asked, as Hermione and Ron also came beside me

"I am going to Voldemort" Harry said

"what?" I shrieked

"you are joking right?" I asked, as tears welled my eyes

"I am serious" Harry said

"no! please don't go" I pleaded

"I have to, I am the last horcrux" Harry said, as I looked at him with wide eyed

"what?" I asked, not believing one word that he was saying

and I started to feel cold again

I hugged Harry again, trying to get rid of the coldness, building into me, yet again

Harry kissed my forehead, and looked into my eyes

"I love you" he whispered, and pulled away

he hugged Hermione, and Ron, and started to walk towards the entrance of hogwarts

then I remembered, if he died, I will freeze

if he died, I will die too

"Harry!" I called out, and ran behind him

I exited hogwarts, and looked around

but saw no one with raven hair and green eyes

figuring that he was in the forest, I ran into the dark

I kept running here and there, trying to look for him, trying to get a glimpse of him, but he was nowhere to be found

I ran a little more, but started feeling, like I was falling down

I screamed loudly, and took my wand out

muttering a spell, which prevented me from falling

I landed on the ground, and looked around, to see everything was blue

I looked at myself, and saw that I was dressed in another dress

something like a queen, like ice queen

I walked forward, and looked around, trying to figure where I was

when suddenly, I came across a wall, built with ice

I faced my hand towards it, and used my power to break it

the shards of the wall, hung in the air, as I touched 1 of them

they all fell down, as I flinched at the voice

I walked forward, and saw some figures, colored blue

they were of ice

𝐅𝐑𝐎𝐙𝐄𝐍, harry potterWhere stories live. Discover now