1: How I died..

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"No Hatsume."

"Please Onii-san, I promise to don't disturb you and only take half of my allowance, it's just that I have this important project so I won't be able to buy it right away and it's limited and-"

"Fine, just keep your promise alright"

"Yes! Arigato Onii-san"

And that's how I died..not really..

I promised my sister to purchase her the new volume of 'Love is tiring' shoujo manga and I agreed to it. She is so obsess with that manga that she remain awake all night only to read it. It's unhealthy but her cries is just so irritating and...irresistible.

 So I decided to bought that thing. It's pretty well known here in japan and my sister is a cultured person. Whereas I am a 'Study and survive' person. I do not know.. but my only reason to live now is my sister since she still needs me and she's important to me.

Sometimes she would brag about it being animated and how the author basically made the characters wonderful. She would sometimes ask me who I like among those 2D girls which I always decline to answer. 

"Nii-san! Who do you like the most? Asami-san or Yurii-san?"

"Hatsume sleep now or I'll rip those manga of yours, more worst...throw your Miku figurines"


But she is responsible to her grades and other things.

 I'm an 18 year old who works  multiple jobs just to save money and make her young sister graduate. I study hard too and I always get a job for my skills...sometimes for my looks. Our parents died when we were young, so we live on our aunty who pass away 2 years ago.

Right now I'm holding a plastic bag with her favorite manga. I sighed as I close the door from the convenience store. It was raining and it's already late, robbers and serial killers pick their victims this time. I don't even brought the umbrella with me...

I hope I don't jinx it

I looked to my phone and it seems the weather news lied again. I could only sigh and texted Hatsume to remind her about whisker's cat food.

 I sat at the bench with a roof outside the store...I check my phone and it looks like it's already dead.

"Looks like I have to stay here for a while" I sighed. As I look at the droplets of the rain, I heard a voice of a lady that was screaming for help. Mostly, people here would not go in trouble to save someone but my conscience could not handle that. I rushed inside the sore again and slam my hands at the counter.

"S-sir are you okay-"

"Call the police now!"

"O-okay" The cashier called the police quickly while I rush to the lady who was now about to get stab but stopped by me. I held the killers hand so the lady can run.

"Run now!" The lady nodded and run while I was punched in the stomach by the killer. I stumbled and fell down and now it's aiming to stab me. I can't stood up because the killer stepped on me. I was not muscular and strong okay. I will regret this but I bite the killers foot and it seems to make damage. He let go of the knife and I picked it up and stomp on the killer with a grin.

"It's done now Killer, I-"


I didn't notice the killer have a partner...fuck..


I felt myself loosing consciousness while the darkness is devouring me. I heard police sirens and screaming people..The police are always late to show up. Beside my dead was a plastic bag with a manga. My death was... cliche...

Most importantly, who will take care of Hatsume when I die?

Hmm.. Be independent sister..don't forget to feed whiskers-

Those were my last thoughts people.



Onii-san : Older brother

Kuso: In Japanese, kuso means "crap" or "shit"

Arigato: Thank you

Shoujo manga: a genre of Japanese comics and animated films aimed primarily at a young female audience, typically characterized by a focus on personal and romantic relationships

I've got reincarnated to my sister's favorite shoujo manga?!Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora