Day 2: Special Ones?

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As Phil got lost in thought he suddenly was brought back to reality by the chattering he heard.

There are special ones!

The special ones have returned!

Theres special ones and they're alive!

Phil heard these words and is really confused. "What and who are the special ones?" He thought. 

As he walked through the village he found the plaza he was in yesterday. Phil decided to look around more since he wasn't here much last time.

As he looked around Phil found a stone mason. He looked in his inventory and found that he has a lot of things to trade with.

But he also realized his amout of cobble. "Oh I should smelt this." he thought. Phil ran back to the mountain he stayed on last night.

Phil set up his furnaces and filled them with coal. He also decided to build a house. So he built a cottage on the mountain.

The cottage was mainly one story and mostly wood. He also had a great veiw of the village. After transfering all his items in he checked on his stone.

The furnace was done so he left it to cool. He figured out that physics works in this world. Phil foudn that out the hard way.

While waiting Phil made a bag. He noticed how everyone had one. The others might think it's weird he can pull things out of nowhere.

He made a bag and went to the stone. Phil touched it carefully and found out that it was cool. So he grabbed it and stuff it in the bag.

Now he was ready. Phil double checked his wings since he needed to hide them. Ever since finding out that they have a mind of their own he hid them beofre entering.

Phil always hid them with his coat. He looked like his Minecraft character just like Notch said. He flew down from his house carefully.

Phil made sure no one saw him. He walked into the village and went back to the stone mason.  "Hello sir!" The mason greated.

"Hello." Phil said. "What can I do for you?" "Oh I'd like to sell some stone." Phil replied pulling it of his bag. Phil put it onto the table.

The mason took it and put 2 emeralds. "Ah thank you." Phil said grabbing the emeralds. "No problem sir." She said.

That's when it hit Phil. He could ask them for help about the special ones. "Hey uh Ms." Phil said. "Hm?" She responded turning back around.

"What are the special ones?" "Oh so you haven't heard?" Phil nodded. "The special ones are acient people with magical abilites." She explained.

"They left many sturctures along and made some of the most advance technoligies." "They are sometimes hybrids like with wings and able to put things into an invisble space."

"Not only that they have the power to skip the nights." "Which protect us from mobs." "They even gave us villagers the Golem Blessing." She explained

Phil didn't know what the Golem Blessing is but he assumed it's how villagers can summon iron golems.

"There hasn't been one is years, centuries." "You can always ask my friend of course." She said. "He's a librarian." 

"Oh I am Felia by the way." "Phil." "Yeah so are you still interested in this story?" "Of course I am." Phil replied. 

"Then you should go ask Keith he knows more."  Felia said. "Where do I find Keith?" Phil asked. "He's actually near me." Felia replied.

"Right there." She pointed at the stall beside her. A man was giving out books. "Oh thanks." Phil said. "No problem!" Felia exclaimed

Phil waved goodbye and so did Felia. Then he went to the stand. "Hello sir what can I do for you?" Keith asked.

"Hello your Keith right?" Phil asked. "Ah yes." "Well uh Felia told me you know about the special ones." 

"Ooo that's one of my favorite subjects!" Keith exclaimed. "I have a book right here." Keith said pulling out a book.

"I am giving these aways since the recent activity of the special ones." Keith explained. Phil took the book. "Thanks."

"No problem." Keith said. Phil waved goodbye and went back to his little house flying back to the mountain.

He realized he's in need of some livestock. So after farming for awhile he got cows, sheeps and chickens.

Phil sighed as he was busy all day. There was one thing he could do that probably wont tire him out a lot.

It's reading about the special ones. He went back in his house and sat on his bed. Phil opened the book and got reading.

After a few hours of reading the book he decided to stop. Phil knew he was a special one. It was quite obvious.

But he swore not to tell anyone. He didn't want to be swarmed with people or ask questions. But his question is. Why is he a special one?

Was it because he played  Minecraft? Or was it because he's from another world? There was more to this than Notch was telling him.

But Phil thinks it was best if he didn't try to think about this deeper. Or else he might murder his mind. Phil sighed and went to breeding his animals.

He also harvested the crops. Today wasn't that exciting. He had decided to go caving the next day to.

Phil got bored. And since he was way to tired to fight mobs in the caves he decided to go around the village once more.

As he entered the village he was called out. "Phil!" Felia's voice exclaimed. "Felia?" Phil asked turning to her.

"Hey Phil." Felia who was with Keith ran up to Phil. "We were going to hang out. Maybe you could join?" 

"Oh that'd be ok with me." Phil said. "Great let's go!" Felia exclaimed. Keith and Phil talked about the special ones for awhile.

Felia accidentaly disruppted a farmer and Phil ahd to apologize. Again he was the dad of the group. He could feel chat spamming Dadza.

But alas he didn't have his chat with him. But at least he has people the be with while he stays in this world.

"Today was great!" Felia exclaimed. "You literally punched a chicken." Keith said. "It was by accident." Felia huffed.

"You guys fight a lot." Phil said. "She's like a child." Keith huffed. Ths gave Phil some nostalga. "You remind me of friends of mine." Phil said.

"Oh where are they?" Felia asked. "We got..." "Seperated." Phil replieed. Sadness was obvious in his eyes and words.

"Hey Phil don't worry about it." Felia said trying to lighten the mood. "I am sure you'll find your friends."

"Yeah." Keith said. Phil chuckled. "Thanks you guys." Phil said. "No problem Phil." Keith said. "That's what friends are for." Felia said.

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