Thirteen : The Way Things Were

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I sat in the living room of the Sugawara's residence for what felt like long enduring hours. When we first got back from Karasuno, we ate some left over dinner and had what felt like a painful conversation.

Mainly it was me, venting and pressing confusion out to him.

"Why didn't she tell me? I just...don't get it?!"

Sugawara looks to me, and then over his shoulder to the front door.

"I couldn't tell y'a man. It was heartbreaking for her last year. Maybe she's scared if she tells you, it'll happen again."

I'm getting very pissed. What exactly happened that makes it almost impossible for her to tell me about this guy?!

"Sugawara, be honest with me please. What happened last year?"

He takes in a high breath, and looks to me with unpleasant eyes.

"She'd kill me for telling you, but I'm sick of this and how this could turn out. You have to promise this though."

I look to him, nodding and looking intently to him.

"You, under no circumstances, even if you so want to, you don't try to repeat this, even non intentionally. Ever since losing her mother and moving, her situation with Nishinoya last year just pushed her, and screaming and yelling and everything."

I look to him, serious and focus. I nod and lean a bit forward in my seat, assuring I'm paying the closest attention.

"Last year, when y/n broke the news to Nishinoya, he threatened her and was very verbal with her. He laid hands on her and pushed her into a wall. She fell on her knees, almost opening her wounds back open. She says he didn't but that's because she doesn't want to believe he did. He shook her and told her It was all her fault and that she was just using him. He also told her to never talk to him again, and he just left her. No explanation or talk outs, nothing." I could see the little energy left in his eyes decimate and drain out. He hangs his head and sighs.

"So...this is what she didn't want to tell me?" My face turns shocked and emotionless. I can't seem to close my mouth or silence my wide eyes.

"She was emotional, embarrassed and overall a wreck. Her anxiety levels were through the roof, and she had to stay behind another week just to get some things figured out. Now she takes medications because of last year. It wasn't just Nishinoya, but the situation just pushed everything overboard."

"It all started with her..."

"...her knees, then her mother, then the move, and then Noya. God the last thing I thought would cause her pain was him. He was there for her through everything. He even slept over night after night just to calm her down. He would sneak through the windows and carry her around."

That's what he meant when y/n cut him off over the phone that one time.

"well if you ever start dating, you could do what you and Nishi..."

That line plays through my head like a distant memory. I remember it didn't sound as pleasant as I thought when he first mentioned it a while back.

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