Fourteen : We Meet Again

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The weekend in Miyagi flies by faster than the Tokyo bullet train on a busy Wednesday morning. Koushi decides to drive me back a day early, stating that I needed some time to think and to go over things before school started back up.

We get in his car and he starts down the street. He turns and starts heading towards the main road.

He takes a left instead of a right, which is where the highway merge is.

"Koushi...I know you can drive, but this is the wrong way..." I silently comment.

"Oh I know...dummy!" He chips and punches my shoulder, "Someone, or a group of someone's want to say goodbye. I mean the next we meet is maybe at training ca-"

He pauses, looking over to me in slight disarray.

"Oh shit you don't know?"

What don't I know? That Karasuno was invited to the Summer Training Camp at Shinzen High? Bokuto wouldn't shut up about it!

I don't say that though. All my energy disappeared over the weekend, and I'm still trying to even keep my eyes open.

"Karasuno gets to come to the Shinzen training camp, I know. I was invited in place of one of our managers since she has cram school." I respond.

Thank Kaori-chan and her bad marks!

"That's...awesome! You'll have to come practice with us!!" He smiles and winks at me.

"You'll have to meet the team. They are so nice and very competitive. Especially our captain..." I trail of, trying to think of one time where Bokuto was neither out of control, over competitive or just straight crazy.

We pull into the Karasuno parking lot - which is what Hinata told me he called themselves when encountering a certain Ace from Shiritorizawa - and await the swarm of crows from the gym.

Except only one of a small stature appears beside my door. I roll down the window to see Nishinoya.

The minute my window rolls completely down, he leans in quickly for a kiss. He cups my cheek and passionately leans his lips into mine.

He breaks away and smiles...I can't help but do the same.

"I just wanted to say goodbye and thank you for talking with me. It was great to catch up. Can't wait to see you at the training camp....if you're going. Do the girls get to come?"

I smile and take his hand from the window, "I get to come as a fill in manager."

I can feel Noya's heart beat out of his chest and into the air. His smiles widens ten fold, and he can't help but jump up and down.

"See y'a then, Guardian #1!"

"Later, Guardian #2"

I roll up the window and we drive away. He merged onto the high way and we pick up speed.

" enjoy being setter?" He pops the question, catching me off guard as I daze out the window.

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