The New Arrivals

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As November rolled around, the trees in the neighborhood transformed into a picturesque riot of yellow, orange, and red. With the changing of the leaves came the crisp autumn weather. This type of weather was perfect for walking, though at 39 weeks it was more appropriate to say Lili was waddling. 

Only 1 more week to go, and her boys would finally arrive. It would be ironic if they were December babies, for her birthday was in December as well. It would be even more ironic if they happened to arrive on the 5th, for that was when her own sister Daisy's twins, Gerbera and Sunflower, were born. 2 sets of twins, who happened to be cousins, sharing the same birthday. 

She was elated to meet them, though she was a tad bit anxious about going into labor. Sure, it wasn't her first time but every pregnancy was different, and when you're having multiples there's more room for surprises! 

The changes brought on by her pregnancy and the impending doom of screaming babies reverberated through the house. 

Ludwig, out of genuine interest and slight boredom, documented Lili's pregnancy as if she was some specimen in the wild. He made notes on how her body changed (especially her restricted mobility), cravings, and emotional changes. She found it a little strange, but she didn't think anything of it. Many people were fascinated by pregnancy. That is, until it got weird. He asked to feel her bump, which wasn't terribly out of place. Ever since it became noticeable, people touched it, some without even asking as if carrying tiny humans automatically made her free real estate. But then he'd asked if he could try her breast milk when she started making it, claiming he was curious about how different it was from regular milk. She'd reminded him that breast milk had lactose in it, but he made it clear it was a price he was willing to pay. It made her uncomfortable, and she sternly told him so and that had been the end of it.

Roy seemed excited to have babies around, probably because as a ghost he didn't get tired so he didn't have to worry about being woken up in the middle of the night by crying. Lili was just glad to know that, as a single mother, that she had someone else she could depend on for help.

And Beethoven….well he was just irritated that her protruding tummy was taking up the space in her lap, leaving no room for him. She made sure to give him his pets and snacks to help him get through this trying time. 

It was a chilly night and Lili was sitting on the living room couch, bundled up comfortably under a soft blanket while she watched reruns of The Real Housewives of Atlanta. She'd been feeling a little crampy all day (what else was new?), so she'd put a warm message pad on her pelvis as well. 

Ludwig tried watching it with her but he quickly got bored with all the crying and talking about people he had no clue about. It was also too inappropriate for his personal tastes, so he quietly played Minecraft on his Switch instead. 

His ears picked up a low groaning sound. "Is it time yet?" 

"No," She sighed for the umpteenth time. "It's just a little back pain, nothing new. It kinda hurts when I change positions, that's all." 

"Okay…." He said but didn't take his eyes off of her. 

"I'm serious! I think I would know whether I was going into labor or not." 

"Whatever you say….speaking of labor, I was wondering if we would be able to be in the room while you're giving birth?" 


"Because, I wanted to take a photo of the fetuses emerging from the womb. For your little scrapbook thing. I could call it, The First Breath." He said dramatically, "This is, like, a once in a lifetime opportunity for me, to witness such a natural, yet elusive event. I must be present so I can experience it for myself." 

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