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It was 1:40 am, 2 days after the dinner fiasco. Jacob woke her up 30 minutes ago, ready for his first feeding of the day. After he had his fill, she still couldn't get to sleep. All she could think about was Joseph. She always thought about him the most during feedings, bathtime, diaper changes….honestly, she thought about him all the time. Even when she wasn't doing anything mummy-related, his innocent, chubby little face remained at the back of her mind. 

She recalled the time Joseph peed on Ludwig while he attempted to change his diaper. She snickered to herself. That was one of the good days--or nights. 

She wondered what was getting into him lately. Why had he even created that stupid game? Why hadn't he just quit when she asked him to? She just didn't get it, she didn't understand him or his odd behavior. And what was with his rude little outbursts all the time? Why did he hate Matthias so much even though he hardly knew him? He wasn't Islamophobic, was he? Quite frankly, she was just plain tired of his shit.  

In the darkness, she heard a clink clink sound. She anxiously scanned the guest room for the source. Lili heard the sound again as she saw a small object strike her window. She rushed over to the glass pane and peered outside. All she could see was the quiet street outside of Mat's house. It was a clear night with a luminous full moon. Unfortunately, she couldn't see any stars. 

Abruptly, Roy appeared in front of her window. She screamed in surprise before quickly quieting herself so as not to wake up Matthias or Jacob. He looked very different from how he'd left the group. For starters, the new oversized petal pink fuzzy dice earrings stood out the most. To match the earrings, he wore a light pink women's newsboy cap (they didn't have any men's hats in such a fabulous color) with a silver curb chain on the band below the crown. Additionally, he donned a matching pink leather jacket over a simple white T-shirt, a pair of blue jeans, and white "Sushi" Timberlands from the Food Truck collection a few years back. His pink hair was styled freely, the wavy tresses cascading around his shoulders. To top it all off, he sported the "no-makeup" makeup look, save for the winged black eyeliner. 

He gestured for her to open the bedroom window. "You're looking very fabulous today!" She complimented him.

"Oh, this? Thanks, just a lil' somethin' somethin'. I was bored so I thought I'd try somethin' new!" He replied, sitting on her windowsill. 

"I never knew you were so experienced with makeup. I've only ever seen you, like, put on some eyeliner and even then, you don't always do that." 

"Well, yeah...I was wearin' makeup before I died, actually. Mostly near the end of my life, so I didn't look so sick in front'a the masses. Now, as a ghost, my face is so pasty white that I'm just tryin' to jazz it up a little bit. And puttin' on makeup is just...kinda fun. It's like painting but...on your face." He whispered, as if what he said was deep and profound. 

Her eyes fell to his butt on the windowsill. She poked it. "Hehe--thicc." 

Roy swatted her hand away. "Lili, focus! We don't have any time for that!"

"Why are you even here, anyway? I'm sure the barrier still isn't gonna let you in."

"I know….." He said quietly, though he still tried to poke his finger through the barrier anyway. 

Unsuccessful, he continued, " Anyways, while I was 'around' I decided to meet up with someone on Spectr to pass the time. While me and the guy were baskin' in the post-nut clarity, I mentioned how I was still torn up about baby Joseph's death. Then he said he knew a guy, who knows a guy, who knows a guy, who knows a chick that works at the Fruit Kingdom division of Boo's Mansion--There are Boo's Mansions in the capitals of every country and kingdom in the world, think of them like 'ghost embassies'. He says Boo's Mansions are where babies go when they die--"

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