Chapter Thirty-Six: Dust and Blood

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(Natasha's POV):

Once we reached the Avengers compound and Rhodey got rid of Secretary Ross, figuring out our next move seemed straight forward. They wanted to stone. They weren't going to get it, and we weren't going to make it any easier for them. Although Vision's willingness to sacrifice himself for the sake of the world in general was a feasible plan, if there was a way to get the stone out of the equation was even better. Bruce (boy, it was weird seeing him again) was unable to do the procedure from the compound in New York, but Steve and I both knew someplace that may be technologically capable enough to do the job. I dialed Claray's number even before Steve finished suggesting our destination to the team.

"Tasha, are you alright?" The hybrid's voice was pinched with worry. I couldn't help but smile at the concern present in her voice. I would feel the exact same way if I was in her position, sitting on the sidelines but wanting to help.

"I'm fine, моя любовь (my love), but it looks like we're going to be headed your way." Claray sighed in what I could only assume was relief. This was confirmed by her next sentence.

"Good, I want to make sure I can keep an eye on you, Tasha." The smirk on my face grew, and I caught Wanda looking at me knowingly.

"We're leaving now, be there soon." I hung up the phone, looking towards Steve expectantly. "Let's get out of here." He nodded. As Rhodey and Bruce gathered whatever they needed for the trip, I approached my old room, glancing in the door and smiling. Turns out I came back after all. There were a lot of great memories in this place. On the way back to the main living area, I passed by Claray's room as well, wistfully brushing my fingers over her door before heading back down, ready to get back to business.

(Wanda's POV):

The trip to Wakanda was going to last for a few hours, and I spent my travel time flitting between Vision and Natasha, trying to get a handle on the events of the last twenty-four hours as much as I could. Things were happening quickly, and I caught my head spinning often. After checking on Vision for the 100th time, and collapsed in the seat next to Nat, resting my head on her shoulder. Despite the circumstances, I was looking forward to visiting the African nation, eager to learn how they helped Claray and see what they could do for Vision. He has now brought up destroying the stone several times now, but each time I shut him down before he could really get going. Steve was right. We didn't trade lives – not if we could help it. I fought between the instinct to prepare myself internally for the possibility of having to direct my power at the stone, and what it would mean for Vision and for our relationship, whatever it was we had.

"Does Claray like Wakanda?" I asked Natasha softly. She leaned back in her seat, thinking through her answer before speaking.

"Honestly, I think it feels like a kind of home to her," she spoke softly, running her fingers through my hair comfortingly. I nodded, leaning into her touch. We had bonded over our time on the run, and I saw her like an older sister. She was a badass, and I looked up to her more than I would ever tell her. "Plus, Bucky and Ayo are there with her, and she enjoys spending time with them."

"Who's Ayo?" I asked. Natasha pulled away from me slightly, staring me in the eye.

"With your connection you don't know?" Her voice was teasing, but also surprised. I shook my head. "Claray turned her – she was badly injured and couldn't be healed." I felt my eyes go wide in shock.

"You're kidding!" I exclaimed. Natasha shook her head. "What's she like?" Natasha smiled.

"She's a Dora Milaje – part of King T'Challa's personal guards – so she's a badass, too." I smiled.

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