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    (Hello it's me. Anyways this story kind off sucks ass because i need to edit or rewrite it so read if you want. ) (I'm fixing it right know lmao)

I have always been a troubled kid. It all started the one day in 3rd grade.

  I was sitting in on the play ground talking to my friend Mandy when I heard laughing. I looked around and I saw this group of girls whispering and slightly pointing my way.

"I will be right back...." I said to Mandy. I stood up and walked over to the group of girls. "Hey you talking about me?" I said to the girls. "Yeah so what, what you going to do about it?" the blond one said giggling. Then I heard one of the brunette girls say, "didn't your mom leave you and your dad is a drunk" I just looked to the ground, "you will be just like your family. Broke and not loved, and a addict." The blond said.

That's when I got mad all I saw was red I  jumped on top of her punching her in her nose, I hit her over and over again. Her friend  ran to get a teacher. A minute later my body was lifted up by the principal. I tried to escape his grip but he was to strong.

  10 minutes later I heard a angry Fiona walking in to the office. When she got in the room she slapped me on the back off the head. "What did you do this time!" She yelled. I just said there my fist bloodied my hair a mess.

I didn't get expelled but I was suspended for 10 days and had to write a sorry note to the girl. I never wrote the note she didn't deserve it.

I always hated when people said I would turn out like my parents. They all said the same things like,  "unloved" "your just like your father" "two faced" "bitch" "weak" and there's a lot more they say.

But they were true I was my parents.

Delilah Gallagher.    Where stories live. Discover now