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"7:15 monkeys" I heard Fiona say before coming into the boys room to wake us up. I slept I'm the boys room because it's the only place I had room for my bed.

"I call shower first!" I hear lip yell as I was trying to hide myself in my covers to go back to sleep. "Come in Delilah you have to get ready for work." Fiona said trying to shake me awake. I just put my pillow over my head to try to block out the talking, and fall back asleep.

Fiona ripped my blanket off of me and yelled at me to wake up or I was going to be late to work. I finally got up to get ready I put on black shorts and a red tank top, that used to be Fiona's.

   I walked down stairs and the only ones home were Ian, lip, Fiona and Liam. Turns out I woke up later then I thought. And the other kids had already gone to school.

"Hey I'm going to work, Ian you coming with?" I said. "Yeah let me get my money though" He said, I started walking out the house thinking Ian can just catch up with me when he leaves.

    I heard running behind me and I saw Ian running after me saying "why did you leave brat." I just laughed because he would always leave without me.  We started walking there together and we talked about how he was fucking kash.

   I know it's gross a grown married man screwing a minor. I was the only one that knew about them hooking up because, I walked in on them one time. They thought I wasn't working that day but i was and I had thought someone broken up turns out it was not a robber is was my brother and Kash.

We finally walked in to the kash and grab we saw kash stalking the chips with Cheetos. I gave him a dirty look as he stared at us. I went behind the counter to grab a donut because I haven't eaten yet. Since Fiona rushed me out the house.

"You need to pay for that." Kash said to me. "Do you want me to tell Linda your screwing my brother or no" I tell him. He just sighs and goes back to stocking the chips. the bell ring from the door and I looked up and I saw Mickey walking in. He started looking at the chips and beer, Grabbing them and walking towards the counter.

  He put the things on the counter and I thought he was going to pay for once but no, I should have never thought that he would pay. he just grabbed the box to his right and put the thing in it, then he left without saying anything.

Next thing I new I hear Linda say "was that Mickey" she asked me. "Yeah umm that was Linda" I told her.

    "Did he pay?!" She slightly yelled at us. We all shook are heads no, and Linda looked like she could kill somebody. "Kash you need to stand up to him we have a gun for a reason." She said trying to be calm. "What should I do shoot the kid?!" Yelled kash. I started to get really uncomfortable of the thought of Mickey getting shot. "I'm going to go my shift is also over anyways. Bye!" I said taking off my apron and rushing out the building.

   I started walking home when I got there Fiona was making dinner and Carl was down stairs playing with a taser. I walked into our room and lip was on his bed acting weird, I didn't really say anything I mean it's lip he's always weird. I sat on my bed grabbing my magazine and looking through it. Lip climes off his bed and went in the dresser to get a joint.

    Ian had now joined us we were now on my bed passing the joint talking about how he got a hummer from Karen Jackson. "You ever get a bj?" Lip asked Ian. He blew the smoke out and said "once or twice"

we where having a good time Until lip got up and walked over to his bed he reach under his mattress. He pulled out a book that had men naked on it. Fuck it was Ian's.

"You know I thought we told each other everything" he said to Ian.

   "Unless you got blown by a guy" he said to Ian. Ian was just frozen staring at lip in shook. "So what you gay?" He ask. "Lip who gives a fuck if he's gay" I yelled standing up. "I don't care I just Wana know"

I sighed walking out into the bathroom to brush my teeth and hair. Changing my clothes into one of Ian's old shirts and a pair of  pajama shorts.

I had just finally gotten to fall asleep when I heard people laughing down stairs. We all three got up and started walking down stairs. I saw Debbie and Carl already sitting down stairs. I went to go sit with Debbie on the chair and Ian sat on the stairs.

There was a man with his shirt on sitting on the floor in front of V "there's more kids?" The man said. "That's all of them" Fiona says walking into the kitchen getting more beers. "There's Debbie, Carl, lip, Ian, and Delilah" she said pointing at all of us.

"Hey Debbie why do they call him lip?"
She didn't answer and just laughed.

"I started getting bored listening to there conversation so I walked past the table grabbing Fiona's beer and started walking back upstairs.

(SORRY THIS SUCKS OMG I didn't know what to write I swear it gets better)

Delilah Gallagher.    Where stories live. Discover now