Beserker Island

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Beserk Island

Previously, on The Lost Tales:
Dagur, while in Caged Tiger mode, almost killed the other dragon riders. Luckily, they used his hatred of food-smacking to save their skins, and the first thing they think of after their lives are out of danger is, "We haven't beat up Heather for TWO DAYS!!!"

Astrid's POV:

They finally come back, and everyone looks fine. Well, except Dagur and Tuffnut, both of whose faces are bleeding. How they survived I don't know, but I'm glad they did. Chiefing is really hard. For the 2-hour span I've been standing chief (weird right?) the only thing that's happened is riots in the streets. Stoick dismounts and shouts, "EVERYBODY GO HOME NOW!" It seems to work, and he walks up to me. "Thanks for being acting chief. Now I believe there's a certain black-haired traitor that needs her face pummeled." Wow, Stoick really knows us well. I yell, "Come on guys, I have an extra special plan!" They all follow me to my house, where I grab a jug of far and some scissors. Then we dash to the prison, and throw open Heather's cell.

Heather's POV:

JUST when I was finally starting to heal from the wounds they gave me, those awful losers come back to torment me again. After Astrid opens the cell door, she hands Tuff some scissors. "Not only am I great with fabrics and battle tactics, I'm also a pretty mean hair stylist!" he says. Crap. "Styling hair is for girls," I say. He kicks me in the face and responds, "And pain is for the weak." I can't help but crying a little, the pain is so bad. He then goes to town on my hair, lopping it all off. After it's all on the ground, he chops it into tiny shreds. Astrid dumps some dark, sticky tar onto my head and Tuff sprinkles my hair on the dark blob. "I WILL KILL YOU ALL!!! YOU WILL BE SORRY! THIS IS NOT OVER!!!" I shout. They laugh, and walk off. Right when I though they were gone, a rock hit my head. Must have been Dagur, judging by the force upon impact. "You will kiss this boot," I hiss. Suddenly, my boot flies off and someone hits me in the mouth with it. "Correction, YOU will kiss that boot!" Dagur says, laughing.

Snotlout's POV:

That was all well and good, but now we need something to do. I don't mention my boredom because it could onset a fit of Caged Tiger. The idea suddenly comes to me. "Let's go to Dagur's island!" I suggest. Fishlegs moans, so I just shove him towards his home, sending him rolling uncontrollably down the small hill we're on. "You can stay home, CHICKENLEGS. We're going. Right guys?" Everyone but Hiccup and Astrid cheers. Astrid says, "You shouldn't be so harsh to Fishlegs." Hiccup nods. "Man up, sissies!" I say. Astrid and Hiccup both shoot back, "Who you callin' sissy?" I answer cooly, "You, who else?" Astrid loses it, and Hiccup has to hold her back from trying to hit me. I laugh and say, "Get over it Astrid. Let's go guys." We all run off to our houses or wherever our dragons happened to be. I bump into Hookfang while running to the house. He found my secret stash of yak jerky and is currently eating it. "HEY! Get OUT of my JERKY!" I shout. "What kind of dragon eats a man's jerky!" He huffs as if to say "Your kind of dragon. So get used to it." I scowl and hop on anyway. "At least you're not quite as bad as Meatlug." He snorts and threatens to throw me off, as if he was shocked that I would even think of him and Meatlug being comparable. I laugh. "Did you REALLY think I could possibly compare you to Meatlug? Stupid dragon." He turns his flames on, and we fly back to the arena with me screaming and howling as my backside is barbecued.

Dagur's POV:

I haven't been home for WAY too long. Berk just isn't as good as Beserker Island, where I was born and raised. As soon as I find Death Killer, who happened to be zapping chickens and eating the perfectly fried poultry, I leap onto him and say, "We're going home!" His wild side kicks in and his skin crawls with electricity, probably because I surprised him. I've gotten used to that feeling, though. "Come on, Death Killer! I don't have all day." He gets the message and we go spiraling into the crisp morning air. I howl like a wolf, because MAN I love flying. We touch down in the Arena to see an exasperated Hiccup and two brawling Twins.

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