Under Seige!

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Omniscient POV:

Renitia and Bloodgeon have trained their own dragons. In a combined effort, Blizzard and Sunsetter have freed Death Killer, Dagur's Skrill, from his icy entrapment. Dagur has bonded with Death Killer, and the Vikings all returned to Berk. After all, tomorrow is Snoggletog! Everyone's dragons will be returning, and Blizzard will take his dragons to a new nest. Everyone seems happy. But could the recovery or the Skrill lead to something terrible?

Hiccup's POV:

Wow! This is amazing. Berk has now allied with a Skrill and a Night Fury! No one can stand a chance against us! Not to mention, I will see my dragon for the first time in three weeks tomorrow! The only issue is, Dagur won't shut up about Death Killer. He just keeps on yelling "HAAAHAHAHAHAHAAAA! I HAVE A SKRILL! HEY DEATH KILLER! FRY THAT SEA STACK! ZAP THAT SCHOOL OF FISH!!! WAAHAAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAA!!!!" That's really a perfect match- Dagur's insanity, recklessness, and prowess. paired with Death Killer's sheer power and destructiveness. Anyway, here we are at Berk. Everyone is either yelling, "Hiccup is back!" or "DAGUR ON A SKRILL! EVERYONE TAKE COVER! THE APOCALYPSE HAS ARRIVED!"

Tuffnut's POV:

There are some people panicking on Berk. Perfect opportunity for me to practice making chaos! I yell, "DAGUR IS COMING EVERYONE! RUN! HIDE! GATHER YOUR CHILDREN AND TAKE UP YOUR WEAPONS!" Ruff joined in. "YEAH! WERE SO SCARED! HELP! EVERYONE SAVE YOURSELF WHILE ITS NOT TOO LATE!" Hahahahaha!!!!! Oh, he confusion! Oh the chaos! This is what I live and breathe. Half of Berk is running for their lives, and the other half is getting trampled. Gobber and Stoick ran out. "EVERYONE SETTLE DOWN!" yelled Stoick.

"CALM YESELVES! DAGUR IS STILL OUR ALLY!" shouted Gobber. And right when it was starting to look REALLY chaotic. As soon as we all land, Ruff and I run and clash helmets. Bloodgeon and Renitia ran up. "That was awesome!" they yelled together. "Uh YEAH! Duh!" scream Ruff and I together. This was a great day.

Bloodgeon's POV:

"Well, I guess this is good-bye, Blizzard. See you around." I say, after wandering off with my new friend. He looks sad too. "Well, go. Take your dragons to the nest. I will visit every few days." He slowly turned around, took flight, and howled, commanding his subjects to follow him. Then he looked back and roared at me, as if to say "bye." Then his hundreds of dragons followed him. I lose my new dragon, sure, but I will be seeing my old(er) dragon tomorrow. I really like Neptune, so I can't wait. "EVERYONE! Report to your houses! It's Snoggletog Eve! Set out your helmets and be prepared to reunite with your dragons tomorrow! Happy Snoggletog!" boomed Stoick. That's my cue to return to my cottage that neighbors Ruff, Tuff, and Renitia's houses. I leave my helmet on my mantle, and drift off.

Snotlout's POV:

This is half-good, half-bad. I can't wait to see Hookfang. But my dad, Spitelout, never gives me gifts in my helmet. He says that "Gifts are for the weak. And you had better not be Weak, son. Because if you were Weak, you would no longer be my Son." Will I ever prove myself to him? At least Hookfang understands me. So I'm gonna ignore the pain and focus on the one that really knows how to make me happy- Hookfang.

Astrid's POV:

I can't wait to see Stormfly again. Not to mention, my uncle Finn will probably give me a dagger. I don't have a helmet, so he just wraps his presents in paper. Weird. The one other thing that makes me really happy is that Heather must be miserable right now.

Heather's POV:

I've been fashioning this key for weeks. I think it just may work. On Snoggletog, when all the able-bodied Vikings are full of mead and Astrid will be fast asleep, I'm busting out of here. And I have big plans for the Hooligans and Beserkers... And they won't be pretty. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Soon they will be pleading for my mercy. They will be at my knees! This will be good...

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