Not Just Another Snoggletog

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Omniscient POV:

It's been a week since Hiccup and Dagur formed the treaty. Snoggletog is approaching fast, so the dragons will be leavin in a few days. Berk has invited the Beserker tribe to celebrate Snoggletog with them.

Hiccup's POV:

I think I've finally got over the initial wierdness of the treaty. Yes, even that part about Dagur calling me "brother." With Toothless leaving in a few days, some company can't hurt. It seems Dagur and his two cousins, Renitia and Bloodgeon, really want to train a dragon of their own. So we let them into the flight club. Oh no! I can hear Astrid coming with Yak Nog. I better hide.

Astrid's POV:

"YAK NOG! GET YOUR YAK NOG!" I yell while parading through the village square. It's deserted and all the blinds are drawn. Maybe my yak nog is as bad as they say. And in that case, I have a GREAT idea.

Heather's POV:

I will kill them all. They'll see. Nobody will see me coming. Wait... Here comes that Astrid girl that Hiccuo won't shut up about. What does she want? OH MY GODS! Is that... SOMETHING TO DRINK!?! I've been DYING of thirst because these stupid Berkians have been giving me limited rations. Astrid walks in, and says "If it was up to me, I would let you die of thirst. But Hiccup is making me keep you alive. Be grateful." She hands me the drink and I gulp it down... BLEUGH!!! WHAT IN ODIN'S NAME IS THIS??? It tastes like body odor, rotten fish, and Mildew all wrapped into one! Astrid was rolling on the ground, laughing her guts out. "I WILL DESTROY YOU! YOU WILL PAY FOR WHAT YOU'VE ---"

Astrid's POV:

I knocked out the half troll before she could say any more. Ahhh, blissful silence. Crap. I'm going to be late for the Flight Club meeting! And today's the day the new recruits pick their dragons!!! UGH! This was ALL Heather's fault!!!

Omnicient POV:

Later, at the Training Arena...

Hiccup's POV:

"So, Renitia and Bloodgeon! Today's the day you pick your dragon!" I say to Dagur's cousins. They were messing around with the twins. "HEY! YOU TWO!" That caught their attention. "Every known species from the nearest 25 islands is represented here.Unfortunately, we're a bit short on Monstrous Nightmares, but I hope that won't be a problem." I say. Bloodgeon looks up at me and says, "I want a really smart dragon. And it needs to be exotic" Well that should be pretty simple. "How about a Changewing?"

"No, too unpredictable"


"Too lazy." Hmmm. This isn't as easy as I'd hoped.

"I got it!!! Shockjaw!"

"Wow... It's perfect! How much?"

This guy doesn't get it. "It's free. A friend shouldn't cost money."

"Sweet! So... How do I train him?" I talk him through what you need to do. He chose the name Neptune. A suiting choice for a Tidal class dragon. "Thank you so much Hiccup! This is amazing!"

Ok. On to Renitia. I ask her, "What kind of dragon do you want?"

"Ummm... Something kind of big, pretty strong, and it should be really powerful."

Snotlout decided to take this one. "Sounds like you're a Monstrous Nightmare kind of girl!" He said. Perfect. The one dragon we're short on.

"Well, we don't have any female Nightmares right now... Sorry Renitia. I hope we can find you one before the dragons leave."

Renitia's POV:

Perfect. Out of female Nightmares. And they call themselves dragon trainers. Ugh.

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