To Destroy a Viking Village PART ONE

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Chapter 13 PART 1- To Destroy a Viking Village

Previously on The Lost Tales:

Hiccup and Snotlout escaped the Isles of Deception. It took their combined efforts and heroism to escape the cold, hostile homeland of Heather. They have just returned to the Dragon Academy have fallen asleep alongside their loyal, reptilian friends.

Hiccup's POV:

I wake up in the middle of the night, shivering uncontrollably. I had no clue it was THIS cold. Even Toothless' warm, scaly skin isn't enough to keep me warm. It hasn't been this frigid-cold on Berk since that fateful winter when the Speed Stingers raided us. Toothless must have sensed my shivering, and he wakes up. Upon seeing his long-gone master, he leaps into the air. After bounding around me in circles and hopping all over the place, he begins to lick me. His saliva is warm, but it soon starts to freeze. "T-t-toothless! Hey b-bud! Mind making a little f-fire for a frozen viking?" He instantly settles down and blasts a barrel with his superheated plasma, causing it to erupt in flames. I walk over to the burning barrel and set my tired body on the cold stone. The fire melts the frozen spit covering my clothes, and I feel warmer already. I can see that Snotlout is starting to shiver too. I walk over to him and tap his shoulder. He jolts into consciousness, eyes fluttering open. "Snotlout, you need to get up. It's frigid cold out here." He shakes his head and states, "Cold is for the weak." I reply, "Suit yourself, Snotlout." He doesn't move, but he's going to eventually. I walk on back to the barrel and curl up with Toothless' wing wrapped around me.

Snotlout's POV:

Hiccup wants me to wake up so I can stay warm. Pfft. Cold is for the weak, and I'm no weakling! But after a few minutes, a gust of wind blasts me with cold air. It wakes up Hookfang, and he groans despondently. But then he looks down and notices his heroic rider, ME, and he perks up and picks me up in his mouth, shaking me savagely. "Okay okay I love you too Hookfang!" I shout, chuckling. My dragon's the best. "Now put me down!!!" For once, he complies. I fall against the stone floor with a thud, just in time for another arctic blast to envelop my already-cold body. Hookfang sets himself ablaze and grabs e with his claws, dragging me into the warm shelter of his huge, fiery wings. "Thanks Hookfang," I mumble. Rest takes ahold of me once more.

Dagur's POV:

*flashback* As I ran cackling through the woods while everyone else was sleeping (just like I do most nights), something set off my sixth sense. Besides the almost unbearable cold, something was totally wrong. There was something going on in Berk, and it wasn't a good thing. As I dashed back to the village, I encountered that very thing. Speed Stingers have made their way back to Berk, and they want revenge. They noticed me just as I noticed them, and in a few moments I was surrounded by hostile, scorpion-like dragons with teh potential to paralyze with a single sting. Not to mention they can run as fast as a Nadder can fly. I glanced around, looking for something to save my skin. I noticed a convenient Skrill flying towards me at top speed. "APOCALYPSE MODE! DESTROY EVERYTHING!!!" I shout desperately to my one hope of survival. My glorious Death Killer started crackling with lightning, and in one blinding blast of electricity, all the Speed Stingers were on their backs, steaming from the shock. "Now get me out of here!" I demand. Death Killer is more than happy to comply. As he flies to the center of Berk, I see the last of the valiant vikings putting up a stand against the Stingers. Most were stung in their sleep. As I always say, rest is for the weak. The last people standing were Stoick, Gobber, and the twins. My cousins, Bloodgeon and Renitia, were being dragged away by speed stingers. Astrid is frozen in mid-axe-throw. The entire herd of Speed Stingers has surrounded the last survivors. As they swarmed Gobber, Stoick, Ruffnut, and Tuffnut, the four let loose a mighty war cry and pushed started battling the lightning-fast dragons. "Apocalypse Mode! Utter Annihilation!" I ordered Death Killer. As his skin crawled with electricity, my body starts to spas as it always does when he uses his lightning. A torrent of electrons poured from his mouth, but he used most of his lightning to save me. He only managed to take out six Speed Stingers, but there must have been over two hundred. I try to hop out of Death Killer's saddle, but he grabbed the scruff of my neck. "Let GO! I can help them!!!" I commanded. Unfortunately, we started to go down. A few speed stingers leaped into the air and stung my Skrill. I leaped off his falling, frozen body and dashed to Gothi's hut- the one place too high for the runty dragons to climb. I watched from above. The stingers separated Gobber from the rest. After swift sting, the one-armed viking was down. Ruffnut and Tuffnut were singled out next. About a dozen Stingers pounced at Ruffnut, but Tuff dove in front of her and slashed them all with his spear. He couldn't land on his feet, however, and a group dragons lunged at him. Ruff attacked them with her spear, and Tuff rolled out of the way. They dashed to their house and disappeared down one of their secret tunnels. Stoick put up a good fight, but he was finally conquered when fifty Stingers pounced on him and stung simultaneously. Berk has just been desecrated by a swarm of Speed Stingers. They retreated into the woods at about midnight, dragging their prey with them. Sleep took control of me for the first time in awhile.

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