Chapter 16-dentellenoir

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#Dear Me



What advice would you give your younger self?

#Dear Me

Haha there's a lot I could say to myself but I think the one that counts is for my junior high self who was getting bullied verbally and on her phone with calls and voicemails, and that would be to not let people get to you. Because you're beautiful regardless of what other people say and that no matter what, I can assure you that you're gonna make it through, don't put that razor to your skin because believe me, it isn't going to help anything. You can do this. You're strong enough.

#Dear Me - What advice would YOU give your younger self?

Well, this may be strange to everyone, but this is #Dear Me. I hope you enjoyed this chapter, remember to follow me, like and comment below if you like to join this book. I hope you enjoyed and I will see you later!!!

Rember to follow @dentellenoir

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