Chapter 30-TheWeirdSamar

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#Dear Me



What advice would you give your younger self?

#Dear Me

You're full of hope and look at the world and don't see the hideousness of it.You are young and you don't know the things that are happening everyday.You still think that everything is gonna be ok.But now you know the world.Not all of it.But you have seen the blood and murder.The cruelness of people.So here's a little bit of advice.Don't trust people and be careful to who you share your stories with.Stand up for yourself and what you believe in.Don't let people make you feel small.And while you still can.Enjoy the beauty of this world.Don't let them see you cry.Stop embarrassing yourself those things make me cringe every time.Don't bully, please don't.Don't let them get to you, they don't deserve it.Stand up for people.And really can you start doing your homework from the beginning.That would save you a LOT of time and annoyance.And, stay the fuck away from boys.Yeah can you please, pretty please discover Wattpad sooner.With all my love, Samar

#Dear Me - What advice would YOU give your younger self?

Well, this may be strange to everyone, but this is #Dear Me. I hope you enjoyed this chapter, remember to follow me, like and comment below if you like to join this book. I hope you enjoyed and I will see you later!!!

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