The First Dance

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Alexa's POV

Me and my best friend Hannah went out to look for her a dress and me and suit I was getting a suit because I wanted to prove a point that suits are not just for boys. And the fact I was lesbian. But that's when I saw her. Jb she's the bad girl of our school. She is 17 and I am 16. She failed so she is in the same grade of me. God she's so hot! I like her but i dont know if she likes me. But then Hannah came up to me and said " this one would look great on you " holding a black and red suit. I loved the suit so I played a trick. I was going to get as close to Jb as I could and put the suit on something. So i made my over to Jb and it worked. I saw her and asked "do you think this would look good on me?" "Yeah I think it would" she said.  "So do you want to hang out later" I said. "Yeah sure" she said.


*in mind* I like her but I dont think she is gay. She asked me to hang out. God she is so hot.  I'm just going to ask her if she would like to go get coffee.

(When I dont put POV that means its narrative)

Jb asked her if she would go get coffee ofc Alexa said yes. They were laughing at the coffee shop and just having fun. But then Alexa's mom called.

"Can you please come home"

"Yeah sure mom can my friend Jb stay the night"

"Yes if it's ok with her parents"

"Ok bye mom love ya"

Alexa's pov

"So is it ok with your parents if you stay the night". "Yeah my mom wouldn't care" she said.  "Ok you can borrow some of my clothes if you want". "Yeah that will be fine" Jb said.

Time skip

They are at Alexa's house it is night and they are getting ready to go to bed. Then alexa said "you can sleep in the bed with me". So Jb crawled into the bed with Alexa (not in a creepy way lol) they turn on their sides so they could so each other. They locked eyes Alexa could feel Jbs warm skin. Jb slowly pulled herself closer to Alexa. And kissed her warm soft lips.

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